zone were delegates can connect with local
stores are all within walking distance. know and understand the heart fully.
happening in our community and how to get [WM] As many Americans may not be familiar [WM] This first David’s Tent Festival in the
involved. with some of your own U.K. worship leaders, U.S. is October 10-13, 2019. When the event
tell us about a few of the them you are bringing is over, what are your hopes for this time of
over to add to this significant time of worship? worship to have accomplished for God’s people
ministries and find out more about what is
[WM] Christian music festivals are popular
in the U.S. (I have attended over 20 of them
and Kingdom?
myself). Often times they also include camping [Tiffany] We have seen such a beautiful as well as nearby hotel opportunities. Tell us sound come out of England through our UK [Tiffany] Our biggest hope is that as many
about your beautiful Del Mar location and what musicians and we are excited to share that with people as possible would encounter the
it will offer the attendees as a facility? San Diego! They also have the DNA of our UK presence of God, be transformed by the intimate
roots and so we feel that what they are bringing connection with Him and that they would go
[Tiffany] You can absolutely camp at Del Mar, is very special. Danny O’Callaghan and Rich & out from David’s Tent with a renewed fire and
there are RV hook-ups and a campsite that sits Lydia DiCastiglione have both journeyed with passion for Jesus. We see this as ultimately an
on the edge of the fairgrounds along the ocean us from our very first year. Danny has served awakening that leads to the further spread of
inlet. There is a nice walkway to the Del Mar on staff until 2016 and Rich is currently our UK the gospel and a deepening of the unity in the
beach from the campsite. We will have a variety Event Director. Both of them have led worship body of Christ.
of food vendors that people can purchase all at our annual gatherings every year but more their meals from but restaurants and groceries importantly, they are a part of our DT family and
September 2019
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