D AV I D ’ S T E N T
By Bruce Adolph
Here at [WM] we took notice when a new and invited all the streams to come. We were “worship focused” music festival popped up surprised by the hunger that people had for the on our radar. One that is quite different from authentic uninterrupted connection with God [Tiffany] We truly have started off in a very
most music festivals here in the U.S. We got a that is found in worship. We couldn’t deny that grassroots dynamic without any one church
hold of Tiffany Buhler (the owner and founder of something was being birthed in that year as it being the umbrella and therefore we had to
David’s Tent) all the way over in England to ask was received so beautifully by all who attended. have the faith (and still have to) for the finances
her more about it… The hunger of the attendees and the clarity that to fund the event. We feel that the neutral non-
over the years and how is it funded?
God is moving and continues to manifest his denominational dynamic of David’s Tent creates
[WM] You have been doing these 72-hour presence in our midst is the reason we continue a safe space for all the streams to gather
non-stop David’s Tent worship events since to do David’s Tent. Our vision isn’t to put on a together and seek God together. Because of
2012 in the United Kingdom. What prompted great festival, it’s to gather the worshippers to that safe space we have seen incredible unity
you to start this movement and what was the come away and connect with God. He is the and celebrate that there is incredible diversity
response from the attendees that very first one that makes it great. in the streams from Catholic, Baptist, Anglican,
[WM] What I like about this festival is that it is non-Denominational… but we all worship
[Tiffany Buhler] Yes, our 8 annual event comprised of Christians from several different Jesus. Our funding comes mainly (90%) from
in the UK in August just took place this year. denominations and church expressions and ticket sales and event revenue with a small
We wanted to see a space where people that it is not ‘owned’ by any particular church percentage (10%) from donations and private
come away and pursue the presence of God stream so to speak. How did you go about donors. We have grown largely due to word of
as one body. We made worship the main thing spreading the word about this unique event mouth but social media is the main way that
September 2019
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