ourselves a little bit, but we don’t want to go successful. But I lean more towards the moody had called her to do. It was like when people
so far that our fans don’t like us anymore. I stuff, currently it would be more like Billie Eilish, prophesized to Mary about Jesus and she held
think what ties it all together for Skillet probably who is definitely still on Pop radio but is more these things in her heart. How do I get her to
is more the message that it is a feeling. It’s Alternative, and kind of sad and moody. I love where God has called her to be? So initially, she
John’s vocals, it’s the way we write lyrics. So that kind of stuff, “The feels” John always needs to know the Bible better, she’d only just
for me, the style of production is just like an calls me. But for me bands like The Cure, U2 gotten saved. So, we used to read the Bible
outfit. I’m always studying before we record “Joshua Tree” type of stuff, those would be the together and talk about what it meant, just
what sounds are in, what sounds are out. What heart and soul of stuff I love. practical stuff like that. We would read books
kind of songwriting is resonating, and then we together, just practical life discipleship. I’m here
try to incorporate those things within what we [WM] One of my favorite things about you to serve, and I’m here to serve God in whatever
do. So, it might just be that the jeans are high is how much you’ve poured into Jen Ledger, that might be.
wasted now and they’re not bell-bottoms, or including your influence on her solo career, whatever it might be, that’s kind of how I look which is kind of the antithesis of your average He always provides for us so I don’t want to be
at the production. We could dress up a song band dynamic. Can you share your heart so small minded that if her career takes of and
a hundred ways, but it’s a matter of getting to behind that? she doesn’t tour with us anymore. God always
the where our fans love it and it resonates with
takes care of us. When you do what’s right He
them. Always trying to push it into new territory [Korey] My feeling is God entrusts people to blesses you. And if He blesses her I want her to
without going too far. you, and your job is to help them mature and walk in the fullness of whatever He’s called her
be all that they can be in the Lord – and in what to do. I’m super happy for that to be a massive
[WM] Who are your biggest influences, past they’re called to do. I don’t believe in holding on success because she’s somebody that has a
and present? tightly to people because the benefit to me just lot to say now. She’s grounded in the Word,
seems the opposite of the way we’re meant to she’s got great character, and she’s got crazy
be with each other and the Kingdom. gifting and crazy favor – you can see the favor
[Korey] I grew up listening to 80’s music.
At the time you had Madonna, Bon Jovi, U2,
of God on her. Even back then, people wanted
and The Cure on Pop radio. I think I was just When she came in she was sixteen. I’m always to hear what she has to say at sixteen years
influenced by that growing up. The things I love praying with the people that are with us, I’m old, so I wanted to make sure that what she
personally would be more in the Alternative always saying, “God, what’s my role here, had to say was biblical truth, and lets make
music genre probably, I don’t necessarily what do you want me to do?” And He spoke sure that there is maturity in the character so
care about commercial Pop stuff but it does super clearly to me about her and the scope of that she’s actually ready for wherever God is
influence me depending on what is currently what her life would be and all of the things He going to launch her.
photo by Daniel Parlante
September 2019
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