even though all you see is the Red Sea, God to understand that harvest is a separation –
sees a street and He’s waiting for you to step literally allowing God to extract what’s not useful
into it for it to open. So, you’re not waiting on anymore. So sometimes in our lives, whenever
Him, He’s waiting on you. we’re entering a season of separation, it’s a
clue that we’re about to enter a huge elevation.
[WM] I notice you use the word harvest, God always shifts us before he lifts us. He loves
perhaps in place of prosperity. Can you tell us us too much to take us to a place where we
about that? could be destroyed in, if we don’t have the
right things around us. That’s why I use the
[Travis] I’m not a big “name it and claim it” word harvest so much, because I’m constantly
type of guy, I just feel like that whole notion has evolving, and God is constantly stripping me
been a bit overused. I do believe God wants us of things, of mindsets, and of relationships
to be blessed, and I do believe God wants us to can count. The Bible doesn’t say he opens up that were necessary then but could be to my
be successful. But, I believe He is the one who a fish market, the Bible says he leaves there detriment now. Much like the tree and the leaf,
gets to define what being blessed and being and does the work of God. We could fill in the the same leaf that supplied energy and life to
successful looks like. I think oftentimes we blanks and say, the overflow allowed him to pay the tree in the spring can take life away from it
chase what we think success is according to off his debts, or allowed him to set his family in the winter. That’s why there’s the season of
our ‘American dictionary’. Success is not what up – so many things that could have happened fall, a season of separation.
the media says it is, what television says it is, with that. But we do know that he left that boat success is simply being in the will of God, doing and spent three years following behind Jesus.
what God has called you to.
[WM] I’ve nick named you ‘Mr. CTA’. So
much of what you do, especially on Instagram
I love the word harvest because its synonymous has a great call to action. You have a degree
He will give you the resources to fulfill the with the word fall, and I think that’s the opposite in Business Management, how much did that
assignment, whatever that is. Harvest is m ore of where our minds go when we think of contribute to what you’re doing now?
ability, resources, it could be connections, it harvest. We think of collection and collecting can be whatever is necessary to complete the what God has supplied, which is accurate [Travis] I’d say it has had little to no impact on
assignment – that’s that we’re here for. We’re but only up until a point. Up until 1500 AD the what I do. I did it because you’re supposed to
not just here to sit back and be spoiled kids – word harvest was swapped with the word fall, get a degree (laughs). I learned more watching
we’re here to do the work of the Lord. That’s and fall is the separation of things. In the Bible my mom than I did listening to a professor.
what harvest is – an overflow that allows you to harvest was the threshing of wheat, so that was The biggest thing that school did for me…
be able to do what it is you are called to. Peter a separation of something. So, before you get two months before I graduated in 2006, one
casts out a net out, and has more fish than he excited about entering into a harvest, you need of my music professors (I was getting a minor
September 2018