and passion for Jesus starts with Him first
loving us. We live for the secret place, where
it's just us and Jesus. Daily allowing the Holy
Spirit to fill us with His love, and passion and in
turn, we minister to God and others out of that
revelation of His love.
Our “public” lives should always be a reflection
of the secret place we have developed with
God. When we get on stage to lead others
in worship it's never the end goal, it's just an
overflow of a lifestyle of burning passionately
for Jesus!
[WM] In the Worship Together video, it looks
like you’re every bit as comfortable talking
about Jesus as you are singing about Him. In
looking back at the video for “How He Loves
Us” I noticed that you’re back there nailing
it on the drums (time, feel, fills etc.). Leading
worship is a lot different than sitting behind a
drum kit, so one might presume that there was
some kind of metamorphosis that happened
with your case. One of my favorite things about
drummers is that although they might not say it,
they don’t miss a thing.
Conversely, when most worship teams look
to add another worship leader, the drummer
is not usually the first place they look. All that
to say, sometimes we all need to make a faith
walk to get where God wants to position us.
What is your advice to worship musicians for
taking a step of faith out of their comfort zone,
and what tips do you have for teams who want myself to play on a Sunday but I’d definitely
to encourage and equip people to step into a need to do some serious practicing beforehand.
larger calling? No matter what God has called you to, it always
takes a risk stepping into something new. For
me worship leading was definitely something
that I felt uncomfortable with. Banning, our
pastor was always pushing me out of my
comfort zone, because he always saw that
there was more in me. Submit your life to godly
[Chris] Ha! Seems like a lifetime ago! I miss
mothers and fathers and never be afraid to step Living with a Fire Tour with Kim
into something God has called you to! It would Walker-Smith, Chris Quilala, Bryan
be sad to get to the end of our life and look & Katie Torwalt, Chris McClarney,
back wishing we hadn’t let fear keep us from Banning Liebscher, and Nathan
fully living out what God had for us!
playing the drums, I’ve considered scheduling
September 2018