Chris Quilala //
“Living with a Fire”
Doug Doppler with Chris Quilala
[WM] Having listened to “Your Love Never [WM] While worship music is not about
Fails” and “Miracles” a few hundred times on performance, when worship teams play songs,
repeat, I’m pretty familiar with the sound of your there is a dynamic of needing to perform the
voice. As I’ve been listening to you sing “Living material well enough that the congregation can
with a Fire” I keep thinking about how much I get immersed in an atmosphere of worship.
enjoy hearing you sing this song – you sound The lyric, “You fan my faith into a flame” is really
great! What are some of the things you do to beautiful, and does a great job of setting up the
ensure that when you step up to the mic you chorus for the congregation. As a guitar player,
bring your best, and what advice do you have that line happens at about the same time I’m
for vocalists when it comes to caring for ‘their looking down at my pedalboard, preparing to
instrument’? support the chorus with my next patch. What
advice do you have for worship teams on
how to ‘deliver the goods’ without missing the
moments of worship they’re setting up for the
[Chris] I love getting to lead with Kim. She
has such a powerful voice and has so much
authority! It's been an honor leading worship
alongside her all these years.
[WM] In the video for “Living with a Fire” on
New Song Café, Kim mentions you’re about
to celebrate twenty years as Jesus Culture.
Shortly thereafter, you point out that this song
is a reflection of the way you live your lives –
as a daily offering of surrender. The fact that
you have been doing this for so long speaks
to the vitality of your DNA and the level of your
[Chris] Love this question! It's hard not to
focus on all the things that go into playing a
song live. Millions of pedals, transitions, tracks,
[Chris Quilala] First of all, thank you for the following the worship leader – there's a lot going
encouragement! I wish I could say I always on. Practice! On your own and rehearsals with
feel confident when I step up to the mic, but the band will help to minimize these distractions
that just isn’t the case. I believe it starts with so that you can focus on worshipping. Our job
confidence. I am constantly reminding myself is to bring God our best on and off the stage.
that God called me to sing, to bring Him When we come prepared we are better able to
honor. Knowing that God has called you to focus on what's happening in the moment. Our
do something will keep you from comparing drummer Josh said years ago, “We practice,
yourself to others. That being said, there are practice, practice so that when we get on stage
several things that can affect my voice. Nerves, anything can happen.” Meaning, the more
lack of sleep or even what I ate the day before prepared we are, the better we can follow the
can really impact the way I sing. Being a good Holy Spirit in those spontaneous moments of
steward of the voice God gave me looks like worship.
of water etc. Vocal warmups and cool downs [WM] The other thing I noticed about this song
are very important! I have to remind myself to is Kim’s background vocals – she’s awesome
do these throughout the week not just before on this. What is it like to have such a talented
or after singing. worship leader singing BVs for you?
September 2018
benefit of being planted in one place for so
long, nor the ability to drink from the kind of
firehouse that you guys do with Banning. If you
were to create a user’s guide for building a life
of ‘living with a fire’, what are some of the most
valued things you’d want to share from your
[Chris] We’ve been blessed to have an
amazing community around us for all these
eating healthy, getting lots of rest, drinking lots
Unfortunately, many people don’t have the
years. We are constantly encouraging and
challenging each other to keep things simple
and focused. Community is huge, Proverbs
27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person
sharpens another.” That being said, our love