Worship Musician September 2018 | Page 104

BETTER BY SUNDAY w/ PCO QUICK PCO TIPS, PART 2 | Mike Graff Planning Center Online is a powerful resource time weeding through 25 different PDFs for though. PCO will auto-schedule your teams for for your worship ministry, but there’s a lot of a single worship service, trying to figure out you within the Matrix mode for as many services stuff under its hood. I mean, a lot of stuff. We which five are the charts they actually need to as you have open on the screen (which you can covered a lot of turf in last month’s quick do’s- worry about. customize, up to several services at once). wide of a resource Planning Center is, here’s Keep in mind, this doesn’t require you “hiding” How is this possible? It’s much less complex another full list of tips that take a very short files or anything of that sort. When assigning than it sounds. Auto-schedule relies on you amount of time to implement within PCO, but roles to your file, you’re just telling PCO to making sure that a few pieces of info are you’ll see a huge return of value for the time you only show that file to the people who need correct: “Needed positions” for each service spend implementing them. that file. If you never assign any roles to your (one drummer, two female vocalists, etc.) files, that means everyone can see everything need to be included in your service, and team (which can get cumbersome and cluttered if members must have correct role assignments and-don’ts list, but because of how deep and TRY OUT PLANNING CENTER’S “LIVE” MODE. you’re not too careful). Assigning roles makes (bassist, keyboardist, etc.) and appropriate Planning Center Live is an amazing function everybody’s chord chart experience that much scheduling parameters (“available 1x per in PCO that simplifies the entire Planning more positive and productive! month, available 3x per month, etc.) attached Center experience during your actual worship to their user profile. Also, make sure team services. Your device’s screen looks very similar USE TAGS FOR EACH SONG YOU CREATE TO HELP members are appropriately using block-out to a stage-display screen while in Live mode, YOU PLAN WELL IN THE FUTURE. dates in the master calendar. PCO allows you to add tags/keywords to each Once these pieces are all in place (which might showing notes for each PCO element, timer, what’s coming next, and much more. song (or video) you add to your library. Adding take just a little bit of time to get right the first If you’ve ever had a chronic problem with your tags is a super valuable thing to do if you follow time, but then it’s done!), all you do is hit the worship services going long (or ending short) any sort of liturgy pattern and have your songs Auto-schedule button, and PCO will go to work and you want to know where exactly the grouped by type (adoration, thanksgiving, for you! You can make any edits on what PCO holdup is, look no further than Planning Center confession, etc). You might want to tag the automatically scheduled once the process is Live. Live Mode will record the actual length scripture(s) each song refers to so you can look complete. Magic! of each element and compare it with the time up book/chapter references as you plan each you had slotted in PCO for that song to take. service to see if you can land in the same place It can be very eye-opening to see how long it the senior pastor is landing. Utilizing PCO can be easy if you are willing actually takes to get through all five repeats of your favorite bridge! to invest a few minutes that will have a huge Tagging also works for videos. You can narrow impact on how your team prepares and leads your entire database to a few short files if you’ve the church in worshiping God. Don’t miss DON’T FORGET TO ASSIGN “ROLES” TO EACH CHORD labeled them all appropriately. I personally tag your chance to build excellence into your CHART AND MP3 YOU UPLOAD. my videos as “Intro Video”, “Announcement”, worship ministry with these quick tips. Go lead “Special Event”, “Call To Worship”, “Mini- worship well! If you’ve gone the extra mile to make specific Movie”, and “Sermon Bumper”. By searching notes on a chord chart or recorded a special according to tag, you can hone in on what you MP3 to help a certain team member (vocalist, want to use very quickly. guitarist, etc.) practice their part, that’s a wonderful thing to do! But please make sure TRY AUTO-SCHEDULING YOUR TEAM USING THE you remember to assign who needs to see the MATRIX MODE. file, instead of leaving that part blank. Why? Because the entire team will have a tough 104 What!?!? Artificial intelligence!?!? For real, September 2018 Mike Graff Chief Creative of internationally-acclaimed Coresound Pads, and worship musician/leader for over 20 years. CoreSoundPads.com WorshipMusician.com