[ WITH JEFFREY KUNDE | Doug Doppler ]
Jeffrey Kunde has the unique gift of being a Les Paul, but lighter. You’re going to like it
able to craft parts that define a song while better anyway.” And I said, “Okay, cool!” That
simultaneously supporting the vocals and was my first guitar, and my first love. It’s the
arrangement. Not surprisingly, this is the result first thing I would grab if my house was burning
of years of hard study, practice, and good old- down!
fashioned hard work! We caught up with Jeffrey
on the tour bus during the last leg of the 2017 [WM] How old were you when you started
Outcry Tour… playing, and was the guitar your first instrument?
[WM] What was your first guitar and do you [Jeffrey] I started on piano when I was six,
still own it? and I graduated with a degree in piano from
Sacramento State University in 2008. I started
[Jeffrey Kunde] My first guitar was a Gibson playing guitar when I was twelve and I’m thirty
SG, but I was looking for a Les Paul because now. I also played the clarinet, but I don’t like
my guitar hero at the time, a worship leader bragging about it (laughs). It’s funny though,
who is still at our church, plays a Gibson Les when I hear melodies in my head I still find my
Paul. I think that Les Pauls and Strats were the fingers moving like they are on the finger holes
only kinds of guitars that I even knew existed at of the clarinet. It’s still my first reaction mentally,
the time. I didn’t even know how to play guitar, probably because I played it for so many years.
I just knew that I wanted to learn. I had a local
guitar dealer hunt down a Les Paul for me. It [WM] Do you think that the intervallic nature of
took him a few months because he was looking an instrument so unlike guitar has had an effect
for an older one for me that was in my price on how you approach playing the guitar?
range. I had about $1000 saved up, and he
Gibson SG
finally found an SG for me. I didn’t even know [Jeffrey] Yes. My whole school of thought
what an SG was. He told me, “It’s basically like and way of teaching is about being aware of
August 2017