see the impact of me running a course with the able to jump off of a trampoline, and run up this moves and jumping across three or four or five-
word “Kingdom” written across my chest and inverted warped wall. So I had a trainer here in foot gaps to grab onto another ledge. It's your
see Christians identify and say, "Oh Kingdom, Houston, Sam Sen, and he was a veteran on fingertips holding all of however heavy you are.
I know exactly what this guy is about and the TV show and still trains for it, and he taught Those were the obstacles that were extremely
who he is doing this for." Then it also appeals me a lot. I'm so grateful and forever thankful for difficult for me, because as strong as I was
to non-believers who will say, "What does the impact and the voice he has had in my life. in my lats, biceps, and shoulders, my fingers
'Kingdom' mean, what is that?" That gives Then when I started competing on the show, themselves were not at the level of strength
me an open door to minister in that way, and I began to connect with some of the all-star that they needed to be to carry my weight. So
also in churches, schools, and various places. veterans that I would watch on TV growing up. that was my biggest weakness, and it showed
I love the doors that God has opened that way So I would be able to pick their brains and learn the first couple of years that I competed on
through Ninja Warrior. from them their tips and tricks on how they the show. Anytime I was put on one of those
train. And then a lot of it has just been trial and ledges, I think I've fallen on TV like two or three
Still, whenever I'm home, I get to serve in error. Discovering after training on the obstacles times on those (laughs).
my local church. I don't think anyone ever what my weaknesses are personally. It can vary graduates from servanthood, regardless of the from Ninja to Ninja and person to person what But in isolating my weakness, I'm able now
platform and success that we see in any area of your weaknesses and what your strengths are. to train specifically for it. Now I look forward
our life. We're called to be servants and called Whether its balance, or upper body endurance, to that obstacle because I know it was my
to serve just like Jesus. He said if you want to or if it's just the power in your upper body to weakest and now it's not. I can’t wait to see it
be the greatest be the least, and if you want make big lunges jumping from one bar six feet in competition again.
to be first, be the last. Humble yourself as a or seven feet to another bar. You discover your servant, and wash the feet of others. As much weaknesses, then sport specifically train for [WM] What music are using in your training at
success as I've seen on the show and on the those, whether it's making a replica model of the Iron Sports Gym?
platform of Ninja Warrior, I love any time I'm that obstacle, or just working on the muscles home that I get to serve. A lot of times, people and tendons and strength of how to actually [Daniel] At the gym, we love a whole slurry
don't even recognize or know who I am, I'm accomplish that obstacle. of different genres and different styles. For
just a worship leader there at church, and I get
me, I love Christian Hip Hop because I'm a
to lift up the lover of my soul. I don't think God [WM] I think you told me your strength is trainer there, and one of the directors of a kid’s
elevates us to a platform where He wants us to balance. What do you have to work on the program there. When it's my classes, or if I'm
be until He knows that we're able to handle it. I most? in charge of the gym at that time, I get to play
think worshippers are so vitally important to the
whatever I want. We love positive and uplifting
lives of churches, the lives of those who attend [Daniel] For me personally, I've got a music, I love the change also in Christian Hip
the church, and it’s all about us keeping that background in playing sports, so I've got good Hop over the last few years, the way that it
connection with God and allowing Him to open footwork, good balance, and I've got great has normalized. Non-believers don't hear it
up whatever doors He wants to in our lives. So agility. I played a lot of soccer growing up, so and think, "Lame, this is Christian, there’s no
it's been an exciting journey. I'm just waking up I have really strong ankles, good knees, and originality, and all they’re doing is talking about
every day thanking the Lord so much for the life I'm fast at light steps, which is what you have Jesus." Nowadays with Christian Hip Hop, its
that I'm living right now, and the ways that He's to do on the balance obstacles. I was great faith-based and it's encouraging and scripture-
showing up every single day. at upper balance obstacles, so things like the based. But it's not trying to shove anything
salmon bar where you have to jump the bar up down anyone's throats. I think in a lot of
the rungs. Those are just power, and I'm great ways that's how Christians have stopped that
at that. mentality of "You need Jesus, or you're gonna
[WM] Do you have a personal trainer?
[Daniel] I've had a few off and on. When I
go to hell!" Nowadays, we love people out of it,
first started training for Ninja Warrior, I had no What I was not very good at was anything that we don't necessarily condone different lifestyles
grid for it. I've played just about every sport had to do with tendon strength in your fingers. I or beliefs, but we love people regardless. We
possible, and I knew how to prepare for those. was not a rock climber. So when it came to some show them examples through our lives what it
I knew how to better the skill set and be sport- of the obstacles on the show like the Ultimate can look like. I feel like with Christian Hip Hop
specific in how I train, but for Ninja it was, okay, Cliff Hanger where its ultimately just like a two or even other types of Christian music, rock or
I need to be able to do a lot of pull-ups, I need by four ledge on a wall and you’re hanging by metal, things you hear at my gym all the time,
to have excellent grip strength, I need to be just your fingertips, then you're doing pull-up we're seeing a turn in the way that its written
October 2019
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