Christians so nothing bad is ever going to ese out of my life, if that makes sense. It made but I think He knows that that pain ultimately
happen. I think deep down I just maybe me just have a really real relationship with God. brings us closer and reveals characteristics of
believed that was how it is, but it’s not, and Not just halfway having conversations with Him, God that we don’t get to see otherwise.
what’s beautiful is God really broke that in my but having very real honest conversations, and life and I realized I just have to trust Him no He would talk straight back to me so real in that In that season, we heard a good friend of ours
matter what it looks like. And I have to keep season and it’s just been really sweet since. I say, “You don’t get to meet the comforter unless
my eyes on Him because He’s going to show kept that openness and that raw friendship with you need to be comforted”, meaning there are
that there is something beautiful in something Him. I think it’s really beautiful to come out of a characteristics of who Jesus is that are so good
really terrible. My sister now can say, and she’s season like that. that you have to go through something hard to
told me this, “Kari I really feel like God taking
need them and to see them. We really got to
James Ivy to heaven has been more of a gift [Cody] I think that in times of tragedy, God meet Him as a comforter, and as the person
to me than I would have even known had she brings you closer. Obviously, He has the power who brings peace, and we got to see that
stayed on earth, because my relationship with to keep us all from it and I think He has the for what it really is. I think for someone going
Jesus completely changed. I actually have a heart to not want to see us go through pain, through tragedy, just look for Jesus. Look for
real relationship with Him now and I talk to Him who He is and look for Him in ways that you’ve
all the time because He has my baby in heaven maybe never seen Him before. Those are the
and it just changed my whole perspective on things that really get you through it. Also in a
my life.” And that’s one of the beautiful things, strange way, as she said about her sister, in a
that’s one of those things you just say, “Okay strange way it makes you thankful for it. You
God, you do work in mysterious ways through think that would never be a possibility when
all kinds of pain”. That’s just been really sweet. you’re in it, but at the end of it you’re like, “Man,
I just felt the presence of God, and I know Him
I think for me personally it took all of the Christian-
“Miracles” // Kari Jobe from The Garden
October 2018
in a deeper way now.” And that’s a good thing.