// Embracing the Ordinary
By Doug Doppler
The global impact of songs like “Revelation We caught up with Kari and Cody shortly before
Song”, “Forever”, and “The Cross Has The Final the release of their new single, “Cover The
Word” speaks to the extraordinary ministry that Earth” to discuss worship, family, and church.
Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes share together as If you’re impressed by the gift that rests upon
husband and wife. At the same time Kari and their shoulders, you’ll be even more impressed
Cody are ‘embracing the ordinary’ as members by humility with which they share it.
of their local church. They don’t get special
parking, green room treatment, or anything like [WM] There are some very special things
that. Instead they’re just doing church like you about your story, so before we talk about the
and I do, and loving it. “Cover the Earth” single, I’d like to start off
October 2018