Worship Musician October 2018 | Page 14

both in the song I think is a really special thing to do. But that’s kind of how it all unfolded and came about that way. [WM] Cody you have two tours you’re about to head into, tell us about them? The Cross Has The Final Word // Cody Carnes with Kari Jobe Women of Faith on The American Bible Challenge Preview Sound, which I’m so excited about. That idea relationships, you competed on the American [Kari] Honestly she’s just one of my best has been in the works for about a year just Bible Challenge game show and donated the friends. She’s incredible, I feel like God brought between a lot of us trying to work out how we proceeds to Christine Caine’s A21 Campaign. her into my life as a leader to really pull things can go on tour with friends and do this. Man, You’ll also leading at one of her Propel Women out of me and tell me. I think it’s really important I’m so excited that it’s finally here, it’s going Activate 2018 conferences. Can tell us about to have people in our lives that say, “Hey, you to be such an amazing night of worship and that relationship? might not see this about yourself but I see this, [Cody] Yeah, I’m going on the Heaven tour with Mosaic MSC, Mack Brock and Local and it’s incredible and you need to be doing creativity and just a lot of fun. it...” and God used her in that capacity in my I’m also opening for Rend Collective on their life. I met her ten years ago. Actually, our son Good News tour, which I’m so stoked about. Canyon, we named after her and he has one They’re good friends. Rend actually opened for of her namesakes in his name, her last name, Kari on her Majestic tour back in 2014, which I Caine, is one of his middle names. They’re just was playing on, so we got to tour together back an incredible family to us. She’s just been an then. Now that I’m getting to tour with them it’s incredible mentor and now a really good friend. kind of a full circle thing. I love them so much I’ve always been so impacted by her with the and what they do, and I’m super excited to be whole A21 thing as well. a part of it. Five years ago, when she started sharing about [WM] 14 Kari, speaking of human trafficking it was just when people were significant October 2018 WorshipMusician.com