I’m in a season of rest, and so I need to be [Cody] I love that God’s reward is at the end – building something that actually reflects what
resting. I love serving at my Church and I was of our lives, as the Bible tells us, “Well done, my they put into it?
just comparing my life to other people who look good and faithful servant.” I think that speaks really successful right now. It’s so funny, your to the best thing that we can do, just serve [Cody] We love the Belonging so much, we
success cannot be measured by other people’s where God’s called us to serve, be obedient to really love what’s happening there. We have
standards. Success is measured by us being what He’s told us to do. And that’s really what been a part of it from the beginning… really
obedient to the voice of God and the calling He’s asking of us. We get the reward at the end unexpectedly. It’s been a Church for about
that He’s asked us to do. of our lives. It’s not, “Well done, you did this five years now and started in our Pastor’s
massive thing…” which we think is important basement.
There are some pretty incredibly famous people because we can compare ourselves so easily. in heaven whose names we don’t even know Rather, “Well done my good and faithful here on earth right now, who are doing things servant, you did exactly what I had you to do that we might not ever even know the impact and you impacted all of these peoples’ lives.” [Cody] Yeah, it does sound weird (laughs)!
of what they are doing. Maybe it’s homeless That’s really what our focus has to be on. It started in the basement, and they would
people, maybe they minister to people in prison,
[Kari] Sounds weird but it’s not (laughs)!
have people over and it grew and grew to
maybe they’re a mom and they stay home and [WM] Ironically, at the Belonging Co, you guys about a hundred people. But they kept saying,
that’s what God’s asked of them right now. It are part of a start-up Church. You’re getting “We’re not starting a Church, we don’t really
doesn’ t look anything like it would for someone a chance to be part of creating the DNA, the know what’s happening here.” Eventually
else. But they are just as successful in their lives sound, the culture. This must have come as they realized how weird it sounded for people
by obeying the Holy Spirit by just doing what somewhat of a surprise, so what are some of to invite their friends and be like, “It’s in this
they are called to do. the unexpected joys about doing what so many person’s basement, but it’s not really a Church,
of the people who read this magazine are doing we don’t know what to call it.” It sounds like a
October 2018