I’m often asked for recommendations on playing experience by neglecting this step— through the modes in all keys (perhaps in
how to best allocate practice time, or time super important! Ok…here we go: staggered intervals for more experienced
in the woodshed. It’s difficult to answer that
players) while verbally naming the notes (or
question with any sort of specificity without first 1. START OUT WITH SOMETHING FUN. scale degrees) as you play them along with a
thoroughly assessing a player’s musicianship I’m convinced that most people won’t stick click track or drum loop and employ a repeating
and identifying any “holes in their musical bag.” with a practice routine unless it’s enjoyable on rhythmic phrase. Of course, you’re welcome to
Many of us bassists are self-taught, so those some level. It could be working on a slap lick, make them all separate exercises if you’ve got
voids will tend to differ from player to player. playing along to your favorite tune, or soloing time to burn! (25% of your practice session)
along with your looper pedal, etc. (10% of your
practice session)
recommendations regarding how to set yourself
The reality is that most of us have gigs or
up for success in the woodshed! The time 2. DIVE INTO SOMETHING THAT KICKS YOUR TAIL. weekend services for which we need to
allocations will probably need to be tweaked What this is will differ for each of you. For me, it’s prepare. Here’s where you learn the songs for
depending upon your particular situation on probably sightreading, studying jazz harmony, upcoming dates. There are busy times when
any given day, but these can serve as a starting transcribing solos, etc. Many players will spend this will likely require most (if not all) of your
point. their woodshed time focusing on material they practice time…but hopefully only occasionally.
already know quite well. While I suppose it can (20% of your practice session)
By the way, I urge you to block out time in your be helpful to reinforce, this approach virtually schedule to practice every day. Even if it’s only ensures that you won’t GROW. The woodshed and
15 minutes a day—although 30-45 minutes is is a safe place to attempt things that are 5. END WITH SOMETHING FUN/GROOVE-ORIENTED/
even better!—I’ve found that the most important challenging, or even impossible at your present CREATIVE.
thing is consistency. You’ll make much more level of playing…but the amazing thing is how I love to end by playing along with a drum track
progress practicing 15 minutes every day vs. those things become easier over time with and just exploring the groove possibilities. Or
4 hours every other weekend…because we’re consistent practice. Soon, you’re wondering working on a solo arrangement. Or getting
striving to develop autopilot (where it doesn’t what was so difficult! Then you move on to the weird with some effect pedals. Amidst hectic
require tons of conscious thought and effort next “impossible” thing. (25% of your practice schedules, many of us lose the creative
just to get your fingers to execute the part). session) expression that was the impetus for even
Autopilot doesn’t really come together 4 hours
wanting to pick up the bass in the first place.
every other weekend. But it does over time if 3. MULTITASK! I am a firm believer in keeping creativity alive.
you’re consistent with your shorter woodshed Most of us can benefit from including Explore and have fun! And above all other
session every day. technique, fingerboard familiarity, scales, and musical considerations…groove. (20% of your
timekeeping exercises to our woodshed time. practice session)
Also, make sure you warm up and do some Why not accomplish them all at the same time?
stretches first (at least 3 minutes). I gave For instance, you could choose a technique
myself a bad case of tendonitis early in my (fingerstyle, slap, using a pick, etc.) and play
October 2017
Then. . . do it again tomorrow. Have a blast!