One of the great privileges of my career was LOOK FOR SOMETHING TO MAKE IT WORK. KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE PRIZE.
providing the tech for Maranatha! Music’s I remember one church in 1995 had no subs It is not about us, our gear, or even about the
Worship Leaders Workshops. More than twenty and no way to get signal from the booth to pastors, staff, and team. The question we need
years ago, churches did not have impressive the stage for subs I borrowed from a local to ask ourselves after each service should be,
line arrays, large-format digital consoles, laser music store. So, I used the pastor’s wireless “Did people witness authentic worship and did
video projectors, or LED DMX lighting. Even bodypack system in reverse to get the Aux- they meet Christ?” Everything else is fluff.
mega-churches of the day had only basic fed sub to stage. Since the wireless reduced sound systems and stage wash lighting. We the low-end response, I inserted a Kosmos ALWAYS ASSUME THE BEST ABOUT OTHERS.
were tasked with presenting modern worship sub-aural device at the output of the wireless In the heat of the moment, pastors will say
services in traditional environments, without any receiver to recreate the sub information. All that terrible, hurtful things to us and then go on their
budget, and without disrupting the venue or the mattered is it worked! way, greeting people like nothing happened.
Techs harbor that one-time pain and turn
people. Pulling it off required a lot of deft effort
and creative solutions. But the greatest lesson FOCUS ON WHAT MATTERS TO THEM. it into passive-aggressive behavior for the
I learned was how to be a valued member of Pastors have a different perspective than next decade. Root it out and get rid of it. It is
the worship team by solving issues for them. techs. Listen to their concerns and act harming only us. I have seen pastors deliver
Here are some techniques I used that are still accordingly. Right now, pastors are either astoundingly insensitive tirades, and when
valuable tips for today. not concerned about the impending loss of confronted with the reality are truly unaware of
600MHz bandwidth for wireless systems, or the damage. Leadership has its own challenges,
FIND A WAY TO SAY YES. they feel the transition is too expensive. They so let it slide. Arm yourself with a thick skin and
Techs tend to be the people of “No.” We should do not understand this is federal law we are a soft heart.
work to change that perception. When the dealing with and there is no grace period. Our Creatives come up with the latest, “wouldn’t natural response is to inundate them with data With all the technology at our disposal today,
it be cool if…” idea, instead of immediately and details, but the right response is to listen it is easy to get caught up in the gear. Work
saying no, listen to the concept and see if there fully and then respond with understanding, to reduce your attention on the controls and
is a way to modify it to work with the limitations followed by reasonable ways to replace the direct your eyes to the stage. Remember,
in place. For instance, say “we can’t fly an angel most important mics first and reallocate some the important stuff is happening up there,
across the sanctuary, but we could raise her wireless to wired until funds can be secured for not down here.
with the straight one-man lift the church owns the rest of the campus.
and drape it in white to cover the mechanicals.”
October 2017