something powerful.
songs, but are intended to be heard and taken I love music, and I love great music, and
in by the listener? I think that a fair amount of what I write is
What I’ve tried to do more and more in my
congregational church music that people sing
songwriting, when it comes to congregational [Matt] To use a “Christian” term, you could on Sunday mornings. Occasionally I will write a
music, it to write music that people can sing say that there are congregational songs and song that is still coming from my faith, but isn’t
together and that creates an environment there are devotional songs. More and more specifically meant for Sunday mornings.
where God can do transformative work. I’m trying to just see it as music. Even the whole conversation around “sacred” music There are a bunch of songs that I wrote for
I do still see what I do as carrying the banner of versus “secular” music… “Sacred” music is a this record that didn’t get recorded. I actually
Jesus, without a shadow of a doubt. I believe very specific reference to a very specific style wanted to be more diverse on this album, but
He is the hope of the world. But I’m not doing of music that was written in the 16th century when my dad died it brought everything into
it in a way of subversively trying to hypnotize using polyphony and chant. It’s a historical focus in a way that helped me to focus what I
people into a place where they will say “yes” to reference, not a genre reference. “Christian was trying to say in this season with this record.
Jesus, because I don’t think that’s what needs music”, in a way, is a lyrical reference, not a It’s a collection of songs that tries to help people
to happen. I think music opens up people’s genre. So, worship music is not a genre, it’s give voice to dealing with suffering. That’s the
hearts, minds, and souls in a way that nothing a lyrical classification. Someone first called point of this record.
else can. It points them upwards. So, I struggle it “Modern Worship Music” because it was sometimes with the idea of music being used a good marketing slogan, and nobody was [WM] Tell us about a song on the new
as a tool. really thinking about the implications of what record that deals with suffering. Is it meant
that would mean. I tend to think of it all as just to be a “vertical” song? Because everybody
One of the things we struggle with now is music. I got a degree in Jazz Performance, but I in the church has gone through something. It
music just having value in our culture, period. wouldn’t consider myself a Jazz musician. resounds with everyone.
Technology and innovation seem to
be almost celebrated more than the [Matt]
music that is made. With streaming “Faithfulness” that says, “There are
technology, people are listening to memories that seize my heart, but they
music more than ever before, but at will never steal or tear a love apart.”
the same time artists are struggling There are things that happen in life,
to make ends meet more than ever and bells that you can’t un-ring. Things
before. It’s a very interesting age. happen, and you’re forgiven, and grace
covers and transforms, but sometimes
My heart and my hope is that music memories are still there and they can
will continue to be made that helps the come back to the forefront. Even with
church sing. I believe that singing is a my dad passing away, the weirdest
big part of what we are supposed to things will set off a memory. It’s not
do on Sunday mornings. I think that the big things, it’s the little things.
singing is different than watching or It’s in those moments that there is a
listening. Those things are valid too, temptation to lose sight of the love of
but I think singing is a big part of what God and give in to despair, fear, and
we’re supposed to do, so I am very doubt. But to be able to sing “Great
conscious of trying to write songs that Is Your Faithfulness” over that is really
people can sing together. powerful.
A lot of the songs on this record were
congregational worship music as being inadvertently
“vertical” music, in that it is intended to hymns. What’s interesting is that many
be sung upwards to God. How do you of those hymns were written by people
describe your songs that aren’t written in seasons of doubt. Like “Great Is Thy
as “worship” songs, or as “vertical” Faithfulness” was written by Thomas
October 2017