as a teenager, so I revisit that often. All the what God is doing in our church community of us is different in a different setting, but we are
Delirious? stuff is my favorite. by stepping into what He’s doing in the service always coming out of one place, one heart, and
and viewing it as a holistic thing. We’re all doing one posture.
[WM] So is there a most embarrassing, totally this together, we’re not just doing our little part out of the box moment that’s happened on the and then going off. We’re all building one thing [WM] What has God imprinted on your heart
platform? together. for this season?
[Brooke] I haven’t really had any doozies, just [WM] How do the hours before and after a [Brooke] This season it’s digging in. I think I
lots of little things like if I mess up the words service affect what happens during for you? referenced earlier that we are not an artist as
and its really obvious. Actually, last year at
Hillsong worship, we represent our church
the Bushman Creative Conference I got really [Brooke] I think it’s got to be consistent. We community and we are all a part of church
excited during one of the instrumentals and as humans like to compartmentalize because wherever we are. So as a result of being part
started kind of going off. And then I couldn’t it’s easier. But actually, if we’re going to be of the church community, humanity, myth, and
find the one again. So I ended up turning the church, let’s be the church all the time. miracle are a part of that. I think it’s time for
around and yelling to the MD, “I can’t find the That’s not a crazy demand, it’s like Jesus digging in and sticking with the things that
one! I can’t find the one!” It was also being live says, I think it’s Matthew 4:28 in the message we know build our lives as Christians. Build
streamed around the world, so that was great translation, it says, “Walk with me and learn community, which is the simple disciplines of
(laughs)! But that stuff doesn’t really bother me. the unforced rhythms of grace.” As Christians prayer, worship, gathering around a table with
I think that worship is really human, so I don’t there are rhythms of grace that we can step people, and gathering around as a church. So
mind it, and I think it helps everyone relax as into, cultivate, and fall into with Jesus. That that’s digging into those things and walking
well. means that there is consistency across our through hard stuff with people. When life feels
lives, that who we are in one setting is the same really strange or confusing… to not shrink back
[WM] For the young worship leaders, what are as who we are in another setting. We might be but to dig in. To dig in with people, and to dig in
some key pieces of advice? operating differently because the task required with the Lord.
[Brooke] Probably for young worship leaders
it would be learn how to serve your leadership. I
always find it difficult when I visit places, or I see
a disconnect in community, when people view
their roles in a church service as separate to the
roles of everybody else.
In Hillsong we’re all serving the service. The
worship is there to serve the Word. We want to
lead the congregation into a place where God
has spoken to them, they have connected with
God, and their hearts are soft and ready for the
message. After we lead worship we don’t leave
the service, we sit in, we’re listening, we’re
being ministered to, and we’re receiving the
word. That also helps us for when we’re getting
back on the platform so that we know where
God is leading in the room. So, I’d say learn
how to serve your leadership in terms of serving
the service, and that’s actually what is going
to serve the congregation the best. Not just
thinking about how you can make your twenty
or thirty minutes the best jams ever. That’s not
the goal. The goal is how we can step into
November 2019
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