[WM] With over 300,000,000 YouTube plays, authentically, but we really love each other, and
“What a Beautiful Name” has touched a lot of we actually do life together. When someone’s
hearts. Does that kind of impact ever become kid is sick, we stop and pray, or we go and visit
a distraction for you as you prepare to focus on them in the hospital. We actually are doing life
the next thing, and if so how? together and I think that’s the thing that, to me,
really makes our team special. We don’t just
say we’re a community, we actually are. We
get to kind of suture those together with really
“Hosanna” // Hillsong Worship
incredibly special people. It’s a joy.
[Brooke] No I don’t really even think I ever
have been aware that is was that big in the [WM] The guitar means a lot of things to a lot
church (laughs). To be honest that’s big news of people. I love the photo of you playing one of
to me. I think obliviousness is a gift! Michael Guy Chislett’s Gretsch White Falcons.
What is your relationship with guitar and is it
“What a Beautiful Name” // Hillsong Worship
[WM] What are some of the things that you
[Brooke] I think when it’s God that does make the Hillsong Worship team most special
something it takes a lot of the pressure off to you?
something you actively practice?
[Brooke] Oh gosh I’m going to disappoint a
because you don’t feel like you need to
lot of people. My relationship with the guitar is
replicate anything. Because you already know [Brooke] Our team is very faithful, they are one of platonic friendship. I would describe the
that you can’t (laughs). I think what God has very real people. We love each other very guitar and I as really good buddies. Certainly, I
done with “What a Beautiful Name”, and with much, and we really do life together. I think am no pro guitarist, I have never pretended to
“Shout to the Lord” before that, and “Oceans” that’s what you can hear in the recordings be. Guitar for me in terms of a musical setting,
as well, there have been so many, our church as well. Obviously that we’re loving the Lord there is a real muscle memory thing attached
has been really blessed that God has trusted
us with songs for so many decades now. But I
think when it’s a God thing it takes the pressure
off, because we can only do our best. We can
only keep enquiring with the Lord and labor
lovingly over our guests, our offering, and do
our very best. But then the rest is in His hands.
I think if it felt like we had achieved it, it would
probably be very anxiety inducing, but I feel
very confident that we are part of a story God
is writing. So, if we can stay on our knees and
stay attentive to where God is leading and try
and steward what He has entrusted us with…
with humility and with boldness, then hopefully
He can continue to use Hillsong Worship. And
to use Hillsong Church in ways that we could
never make happen via strategy or wisdom.
[WM] I was in Australia visiting different
churches including Hillsong when “Hosanna”
came out. That song really defined something
in that moment and virtually every church we
visited was playing it. Did you have a sense
about “Hosanna” when you guys were writing
and recording it?
November 2019
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