Mary Claire Photography
running keys. They aren’t able to do so many need your guitar and your voice and it works. into the mix without spitting out too much low
things at once… have tracks and strings and You make a record, you try and do the best information or too much top end. It’s chimey for
all those kinds of things that make a massive you can, but when you can strip it back and sure, and you’ve got to keep an eye on that,
sound. We thought, for the average band get something to its simplest form and it’s still but it’s probably my number one go-to.
on Sunday morning, let’s record it like that, powerful… if you can have it both way’s that’s that’s important! a really great thing to have. So, we’re actually For this record I kind of fell in love with my
doing that as well with this record, recording it Matchless all over again in the studio and used
that way as well. it on so much of the stuff I recorded on for the
For Daniel, it’s that one guitar part that’s the
most important part. For me it’s really just
record. Then from there it’s a little bit of trial and
bringing in acoustic, I love to lead with acoustic [WM] Awesome! Chris, thanks again for error. I’ll hear a sound in my head that I want
because it feels confident to me, I love the joining us and being so generous with your to get and I start grabbing guitars and tools
percussiveness of acoustic and just the sound time, much appreciated! until I get there. One of the go-to’s that’s kind
that it fills. And with the band, what’s a simple
way of playing that’s really exciting and makes
of home base for me is plugging my Tele into
[Chris] Absolutely, what a pleasure.
the song beautiful but is also accessible. And I
that Matchless, and if I can get that sounding
good then I know that my signal chain is good,
think that’s the word that’s incredibly important. [WM] OK Daniel, time for some more geeky and I know that my microphones are good. If I
Is it accessible to people, is it something that worship guitar talk! First off, when you’re in the can get that Tele sounding how I know it should
can translate to any Sunday morning from studio, what about your approach is different sound, then from there I can choose if maybe
a Methodist church to a Pentecostal church than when you’re playing live? I’d rather have a humbucker thing here, or a
to wherever and however in between. Is it
Gretchy Filter’Tron thing there, I can branch out.
something that can translate? Or if it’s just [Daniel Carson] The studio is such a funny So, the Tele into the Matchless is kind of my first
on the piano, or acoustic guitar, how will that thing, as you know it’s different from the live sound that I try to dial up anytime I’m recording,
work? And I love when you find songs, a lot of thing. Some of the tools that I use for live it’s kind of like a litmus test to see if my signal
time I call them ‘dorm room songs', that are like translate in the studio and others don’t. One is strong and make sure it’s not too bright or
what a college kid in a dorm room would pick thing that is always a safe bet for me is my gainy. That’s the tricky thing in the studio, trying
up a guitar and play that he and his buddies can Matchless SC-30. I got that amp in 2010 and to find the amount of gain to use. Live you can
learn and sing. Those are special ones because that’s one of my go-to sounds in the studio. It almost get away with more drive out of a dirt
you don’t need any bells and whistles, you just records well, loves pedals, and it makes its way pedal or overdrive pedal because you might
November 2018