photo by Mary Claire
I’ve got it right or close, then I’m ready. So, I’m
much as I possibly can.
it were the only song on the album. I’ve heard
always writing songs, I’m always working on
that and thinking about that.
some people say, “We just try to find the one
[WM] From the songs to the production and or two great single songs and then we just
atmosphere, Holy Roar sounds and feels great! fill up the record with whatever we can throw
Then the touring part is the other aspect. The In a day and age of ‘the single’ this album on there.”
travel, and being out there and experiencing sounds, plays and feels like an album. Will there the songs with other people is such a beautiful be hits, yes, but it feels like an album. What is I have never approached it that way, because
moment of it. From writing a record, to it like for you making a new album in the age of to me track nine is just as important as track
recording it, and then playing it live, all three the single-driven worship experience? one. Every song has it’s own character, there is
are so taxing and amazing in different ways. I
a reason it’s on there. Especially with this album
love the experience of all of that together. And [Chris] Thank you. What a perceptive Holy Roar, so many songs come at the idea of
then my life has changed with having a family, question, because it is a different day. I even holy roar in different ways. Holy roar is the idea
so learning to balance that is something that went into my record label, Capitol Records, of worship, the sound of the Church worshiping
has become really important to me. Once you and asked the question, “What is an album God. It’s the sound of all creation, every
become a father and have a family everything anymore?” Because it feels like it’s just about language, every tribe, every tongue, the sound
is turned upside-down, responsibilities and what song gets on what play list, and like you of that roar to God. Some of these songs fit that
priorities, in a good way. So, for the last few said its single-driven, it kind of seems like title in a really powerful way. In fact, when I think
years it’s been about how do I move this what’s the point? of holy roar, those two words really describe
forward with what God is gifting me to do, but
what I would love to be said about my music.
also be a dad and a good husband. You can’t But you know, for me, I go into every song I would love people saying this sounds like a
just do that without being there, you can’t do trying to make that song as if it’s the only song holy roar to God. So when I approached this
it from a satellite position, you do it by being in on the record. I want to put everything I’ve got record with these songs I want them to feel like
the mix. I always try to prioritize being home as into the song to make it as great as I can, as if that. They’re not all massive and huge, some
November 2018