SERIOUSLY? AUDITION? | Vance & Michelle Shepherd
Is it your dream to have your youth worship
team leading true heartfelt worship, and even
sounding like professionals? As owners and
instructors in our school of music, we stand
firm on auditioning every musician before each
worship event. It is one of the most important
things that can be done to help your team
members excel and get the best results for
every event. Some of our students have been
with us for years now, and we still audition them
before each event. You would be surprised how
many of our first chair players still occasionally
fail the audition process. It would probably be
safe to say that Sunday morning is not a good
time to find out that some of your musicians
hard work to achieve excellence.
Step #3:
don't know the material well enough, and
haven’t practiced enough during the week.
If their scores are too low we offer them a re-
TIPS FOR THE AUDITION PROCESS audition before the event to correct parts via
Step #1: the notes we took per song. Note: We have
This month we had less musicians available than Formulate an email that will be sent to them, rarely ever had a student fail the re-audition.
usual for a big worship event. After auditioning as well as copied to their parents. We list every the band members, we unfortunately had to song (in order) that will be in the worship set If you are the leader of your youth worship
fail four of them. Two of our sibling students with the audition date, worship event date, and ministry, we can assure you that if you take the
that failed their audition told Michelle "I feel like venue address and time. Make an audio file time to hold auditions for every event, it will save
giving up, this is just too hard". She gave them with all the songs in order, with a click track you much frustration and your band members
a pep talk, and encouraged them to go back imbedded for them to practice to, and give much embarrassment. It will always challenge
home, work on the material, and re-audition them any work files they may need (sheet them to do better, giving their very best to
so they could have the privilege of leading music, tutor videos, etc, if you have them). the Lord. We explain to our students that it is
others in worshiping Christ. When they showed
a sacrifice of praise to take our craft seriously
up for their re-audition a few days later, they Step #2: and to strive for excellence. If we don't audition
both came in saying "I'm so excited to audition • They must stand during the audition (crucial them and just let them pass through even
again! I practiced for four hours yesterday! I feel
for stage presence).
when they’re not ready, the chances of them
so good about the songs!” And then…… they • They have to bring all their gear to the getting better and having satisfaction in their
both nailed their audition. At the sound check audition, the same as if they are on stage. music drops dramatically. Training, teaching,
for the event, we were able to sit and talk with • They have to make all of their patch changes, keeping high standards, and mentoring them
them. I asked them who their favorite vocalist
or musician was. The keyboard player/vocalist
said "Lauren Daigle." The electric guitar/vocalist
said “Angus Young” (and she’s only 12! LOL). I
asked them, "What if when they were learning
pickup selections, etc.
in their youth is crucial in helping to shape their
• If they sing and play, we require them to sing
their part as they play their instrument.
• They must have the songs memorized - no
lyric or chord charts.
• As the audio file is playing, we take notes per
“This is just too hard?” We wouldn't have the song as to what they need to improve on,
classic rock band AC/DC or Lauren Daigle, and give them a % score as to how well they
who has inspired and blessed so many people know each song.
They realized then that it takes dedication and
• Every musician is required to play to the click
November 2018
May you be blessed as you pour into the next
generation of worship leaders!
their instruments they just gave up, and said,
with her amazing voice, talent, and hard work.
Vance & Michelle Shepherd
Founders of The Shepherd School Of Music in Las
Vegas, NV, where they work with youth to raise up the
next generation of worship leaders and musicians.