“Using OnSong and an iPad has revolutionized
everything about how I lead worship!” That
sounds like a pretty bold statement to make,
but for me, and for so many others, it’s 100%
honest and truthful. For the past 8 years I
have been making comments to both worship
musicians and leaders about how OnSong has
revolutionized the way I lead worship.
I’ve been a worship pastor for almost 20
years. During 11 of those years I traveled
with a ministry and led worship at over 80
conferences around the US. This was during
the early days of worship leading, when paper many more practical ways that OnSong has things organized because OnSong keeps
charts and binders were what everyone used. helped me to be more effective as a worship everything in a constant state of order so that
Since I was on the road, heading to a different pastor. In the past, our head pastor would I’m always ready to worship. This has opened
city every month to play with a different band, spontaneously suggest a song, or I would up more opportunities throughout the week for
that meant gathering paper charts for my sets, feel a song stirring in my heart to close the me to focus on what really matters: spending
making copies, sorting, and compiling pages service. These two scenarios used to present a time with God and with people. Most worship
into packets for each musician. This was significant problem. I would need to flip through pastors desire to spend less time in the office
incredibly time-consuming, and those packets my huge song binder at the last minute in front in exchange for having more time available to
quickly became extremely heavy to lug onto of the congregation to find a particular song in a coach and train their teams. Thankfully, OnSong
through the airport. particular key. There was no time to find it, print has played a very crucial role in allowing me to
it, or transpose the song. But now, I can quickly do this.
At the same time, I was running into a similar search through songs by topic or key and load issue at my home church. For years, our a song without leaving the stage. I can then use As a worship pastor, I am grateful for the
worship assistant would make paper copies the beam feature to deliver the songs to my creation of OnSong. It has opened up so
every week for each member of our worship band without doing more than lifting my finger. many opportunities for me and other worship
team. I’m pretty sure that there’s a small forest
leaders to be more effective musicians, leaders,
somewhere that has been wiped off the map OnSong has also helped me by allowing coaches, and pastors. God is undoubtedly
due to all the paper we consumed doing this! me to quickly transpose a song right on the using OnSong, and He is moving through
stage. Many worship teams are comprised it to touch so many lives within the worship
In 2010, I heard about OnSong and decided of volunteers, and sometimes singers don’t community. It truly is a revolutionary tool with
to give it a try. Suddenly, I was able to directly know exactly which key they would feel most which to lead worship.
import and view charts from PraiseCharts, comfortable singing in for a song. OnSong SongSelect, and other third-party worship allows me to change the key instantly to match So my question to you is this: “Will you join
sites. It was amazing! I could create a set list for singers’ vocal range during rehearsal. That key the revolution?” I’ve only covered one percent
each service, transpose keys on the fly, email is automatically saved to the set and has made of what is possible here in this article. To learn
the set list with charts to the band, and make our singers feel much more confident when more, visit onsongapp.com.
notes. Anything I needed to do I could do using they walk on stage Sunday morning.
OnSong and my iPad. So getting back to my
earlier statement — Yes, OnSong really has On the spiritual side, OnSong has helped me
revolutionized the way I lead worship. to be able to spend much more time focusing
on pastoring, training, and leading up others
This is just scratching the surface. There are
into worship. I spend far less time getting
November 2018
Jeremiah Grube
Jeremiah Grube has been a worship pastor for
19 years. He has also been the worship leader for
most of the Power and Love/ Lifestyle Christianity
(Todd White) conferences over the past 11 years.
He is currently the worship pastor at Life Church
in Hershey, PA, as well as an artist advocate for
OnSong LLC..