I had high hopes for this night of live concert levels, but again, this night
recording at Nashville’s Rocketown. was not about performance. It truly
was about connecting people to Jesus
Meredith Andrews was going to record
through music and prayer.
her new six song EP and I had the
honor of flying in from Seattle for it. Her husband Jacob played a huge role,
Meredith has a pure and clear singing not only as producer of her music and
voice and you get the same pure and band member/keyboardist, but also as
clear feeling from her spiritual leading of producer of this live recording event.
the crowd in worship.
All six songs on the new live EP were
There is a sincerity there. As the song strong tunes. Each song had merit
lyric and the music builds she implores on its own, were well written and well
you to press in and meet with God. arranged. I loved it! Well done Jacob
The evening was about Jesus and the and Meredith Andrews and their band.
people in the crowd interacting with Well done The Belonging Co’s tech
the Lord more than it was about a live team. Well done Word Worship Music!
worship recording. She prayed for a
night of life changing breakthroughs for The six song EP releases December 7 th .
her audience. I am looking forward to it!
The sound, lights and video screens Look for an upcoming interview with
production were all performing at Meredith and Jacob in [WM].
November 2018