[WM] I can’t stop listening to “Leave it All.” Sooter and he and I started working on it, and [WM] Stephen, currently you’re the only one
Tell us where that song came from and what it God was really pulling together a great bridge doing music full-time. Will that change?
means to you. and a second verse. We were in this writing session and the chorus was just, “I leave it [Stephen] I’m not sure. However, I know
[Stephen] You know, the chorus and first all at the cross, at the cross.” We didn’t have God will provide all that everyone needs to
verse came out of a spontaneous time of that line yet that goes, “Here I will lay my guilt accomplish what He has called us to.
worship at a church one morning. I felt the Lord and shame.” You know that line, how it climbs just putting the whole church body in a position and all that? We didn’t have it yet. We knew [Joel] We’re really all trying to discern God’s
of seeing the cross… like it had become this that whatever it would be, it had to be great. timing in this.
object, this thing, and that the weight of it had So, we called Jason Ingram. You know, to call lost its meaning, maybe because we talk about Jason Ingram in the middle of a writing session [WM] When and where will you be touring for
it all the time. I just wanted to say, “God, give in the week and go, “Hey, can you help us with this record?
me eyes to see the cross afresh for real.” One this song, you know, right now?” is a little like of the things I felt God saying that morning parting the Red Sea! This guy is so busy! He [Joel] I don’t know if that’s worked out yet,
is… you know in the verse it says, “I can finally said that he had a session with Lauren Daigle but we’re really excited to get out there and
see the cross, the nails. You went through Hell that had to get moved and he was available travel next year! For those of us who have jobs
just to get to me.” Like, to get to me was the right then! He told us to come over and work on other than being a member of Iron Bell Music,
purpose! It was just this weighty-ness and I it and he wrote that part of the song and it really we’re really trying to position ourselves where
started seeing all these people coming up to pulled it together! I hope, with that song, that we can serve this more, and it’s really looking
the altar and I just started singing, “I leave it all people see the intimate sacrifice of the Lord on like it will work well this year.
at the cross.” Like, I want to leave at the cross their behalf… for people to know that to Jesus, everything that has kept me from intimately you were worth doing that!
coming to You. I brought the song to Jacob
[Stephen] Yeah, we have options and we’re
praying through it, but we’re probably going to
November 2018