Worship Musician November 2018 | Page 41

the record is out. With a worship band, they’ll young girl from South Africa. The girl explained the character and nature of God, and what that put a record out and then see which song is that she had found the song on YouTube and means is that it also carries the power of who connecting and then they’ll do a radio single of had been playing it for the last year. It took a God is as well. There are so many stories like that song. while for the girl from Iron Bell to explain that that one, it’s crazy! We received this story of the she was a part of the ministry where that South African girl just days before the God that [Joel] And also, typically, when putting a song came from. Well, the girl from South Saves album released. song out to radio, we would probably record a Africa explained that God had led her to the different version specifically for radio. song as she had been struggling with bi-polar [WM] Tell us about recording Glory to Glory in depression. She continued explaining how God the barn. Was it all in one night? [WM] What is something that God has done had radically delivered her from this depression with your music that has just blown you away? just as she listened to this song on repeat and [Stephen] It was in one night, one worship praying through God’s nature as the God that night. We filled the room and we hit record! [Joel] My absolute favorite story is that we saves. Her testimony is just phenomenal, and it had a young girl who was part of our ministry just really scratches the surface of some of the [Joel] We only had to do a repeat of one who was traveling to a two-week worship boot stories we’ve heard. song, and it wasn’t “Glory to Glory”. ladies from all over the world. While she was [Stephen] So basically, a girl from South [Stephen] Yeah, that was because of a at this apartment or house one day, she heard Africa had been listening to God that Saves for recording issue with the gear. They were like, a familiar song from the next room. She was about a year and the Lord radically healed her “Hey, can we do the first song twice?” hearing the song “God that Saves.” We were from a lifetime of bi-polar depression just as she a pretty unknown entity at that time (still are in sang the truth about who God is over her… He [WM] Any studio tricks done with this live some ways,) and she ran out there and asked actually did it. And, that to us, is like what we record that you can share? who was playing the song. Turns out it was a mean by saying that we pray these songs carry camp, and she was housed with a bunch of November 2018 WorshipMusician.com 41