Worship Musician November 2018 | Page 35

who leaned into Gateway as their home worship leaders, musicians, and songwriters to is to connect people to the presence of God church. Some of that involved our Global be part of worship leading at Gateway Church in the greatest way possible. Part of our heart ministry, which supports and is connected to campuses and to contribute to music projects? for connecting people to God’s presence is ministries all over the world. We’d have the that we also want to make music that’s relevant opportunity to reach out and build friendships [Mark] We’re deeply committed to the priority and speaks to kids who come to into our Kids with artists who happened to be ministering in of raising up the next generation of young ministry. So, the original reason and heart areas of the world where we were also serving. worship leaders because we feel that we have for making the Kids album was to first be a These artists would bring their circle of friends, to be good stewards of the gift God has placed resource for our local church, and second to and a larger community of international artists in them. Our Kids worship ministry is made up export it as a resource for the greater Church. developed naturally in the church as a result. of young worship leaders who have a desire to learn what it means to worship God. As far as [WM] Taking the previous question and This past year, we felt like the Lord told us stewarding and developing, I think we feel the diving a little deeper: What does the heart of to relate to them in a way that provides greatest responsibility to impart understanding development of worship leaders and musicians pastoral covering, so we decided to formalize that leading worship is not just about leading at Gateway look like? Why is it valuable to pour our relationship with them. We now have a a song; it’s about leading a room into the into future worship leaders, and how do you community of artists who travel and minister presence of God. It’s about connecting people develop strong relationships with them that go to populations all over the world, and we to God’s presence. Our desire is to protect the beyond craft to encourage their spiritual growth provide pastoral covering and support for their hearts of our kids, and a large part of raising up simultaneously? individual ministries in the process. a generation of worship leaders involves them knowing why they’re doing what they’re doing. [Mark] Gateway’s heart is that we promote [WM] The second album from Gateway Kids The why will always be to connect people to character over craft. Our greatest desire is to Worship, Believe It, was also released this year. the presence of God. That’s the mission of make sure that if someone shows that they Can you share the vision for developing young Gateway – one of the reasons Gateway exists have God-given talent or ability in music, it’s November 2018 WorshipMusician.com 35