can still continue without me being involved at a Worship Pastor, on the other hand, is more majority of my job is done, because then I’m
Gateway because God has raised up someone about “How do I show those I lead that I care?” just leading worship—and as I’m leading
else who can steward it for this season. How am I pastoring the congregation, and how worship, I know there’s unity on the platform.
am I pastoring the teams? Since God is going to command His blessing
[WM] In your role as Executive Senior Pastor
according to Psalm 133, I can just pastor the
you’re over those who lead worship, but Being a Worship Leader and a Worship Pastor people. I can pastor them by caring for them;
no longer serving from the platform as you go hand in hand, but the thing that I focus on showing that I care for them. In the middle of
previously did. Are there things apparent to you the most is being a Worship Pastor. Pastoring worship I encourage them. I feel that a big
having ‘stepped away from the microphone’ the teams, to me, is the most important aspect portion of pastoring people is encouraging
that might be of value to worship pastors, of what we do. I want to make sure that there’s them. By that I mean letting them know that
leaders, and teams (tech included)? unity on the platform. I don’t mean just unity they’re doing a good job and that their offering
in Spirit. I also mean unity musically, and I to the Lord is a beautiful sacrifice to Him. But
[Thomas] I really love this question. I think that also mean unity of purpose. Unity of purpose I think the majority of my job is pastoring the
two roles play off of each other. Let me say it can only come whenever I, the leader, am worship team and making sure that we’re in
another way: I feel like being a Worship Leader continually putting before the worship team unity with one another.
and being a Worship Pastor go hand in hand, the idea that “This is the goal we’re trying to and you really need to develop both skills well. achieve,” and making sure they understand the [WM] Many worship pastors tend to be more
Being a Worship Leader is understanding how goal. We keep this in the forefront so that we all gifted in either leading worship or pastoral care.
to lead a large congregation, as well as leading reach the common goal at the same time. Again noting that Mark Harris came up through
a smaller team. The congregation is larger than
the ranks there as a worship leader, what are
the team, but it is important to be able to lead Being a Worship Pastor, to me, is pastoring our some of the things you do to grow your key
both well. Being a Worship Leader is mostly worship teams to be in unity with one another in worship leaders in both these areas?
a technical proficiency; understanding how to these ways. And if our worship team is in unity, lead songs and keeping true to the melody and then God commands His blessing accordingly, [Thomas] I feel like this is a great question.
encouraging people in the middle of it. Being as in Psalm 133. I really think that then the Being a Worship Pastor and being a Worship
November 2018