Zach Williams // Unchained
By Doug Doppler
One of our favorite things about Zach Williams [WM] I love the fact that the Zach Williams [Zach Williams] You know, I think so too.
is that his music reflects more than just what Wikipedia page describes you as a Christian I hope that it is anyway. I’ve had the same
is happening at the top of the Christian music Rock artist. I’d like to think that you’re opening conversation with some producers that I’ve
charts. Ironically, by staying true to who he some doors and some minds about what worked with about the fact that I’m maybe
is, that’s exactly where his songs have found Christian and/or Worship music can sound like. going to open some doors for other artists like
their home. And judging by his recent Dove What are your thoughts on this subject? myself that maybe haven’t been able to break
Award nods for Artist of the Year and Pop/ into the Christian Music genre because there
Contemporary Song of the Year for “Old hasn’t really been a place for them. But what’s
Church Choir” we’re in pretty good company. happened with the two or three songs that
We recently caught up with Zach to talk about I’ve released is that we’ve found that there are
his latest release Live from Harding Prison, his Christian Music fans that want to hear music
Rock ‘n Roll roots, and more! like that, that has that feel. So hopefully it opens
some doors for people.
“Old Church Choir”
November 2018