Worship Musician November 2017 | Page 26

KEYS [ THE POWER OF THE PAUSE | Ed Kerr ] Have you discovered the Passion translation of activity. Hectic could mean that your part is Is a guitarist or drummer playing lots of shorter the Psalms? In it, Psalm 33:2-3 says, “Sing and busy, filled with constant movement. note values? Don’t duplicate what others make music with all you’ve got inside. Compose are already doing. Build some pauses into new melodies that release new praises to the That said, use the following bullet points as your part. Opt for less activity rather than Lord. Play his praises on instruments with a checklist to evaluate how well what you’re busyness. Less activity is often just what the anointing and skill he gives you. Sing and playing fits within your worship team, and the arrangement needs from you. shout with passion; make a spectacular sound whether it might be time for a pause. • IS THERE VARIETY IN YOUR PART? of joy…” • DO YOU TEND TO FILL EACH MEASURE WITH LOTS Part of the power of the pause is that it can In many translations of the Psalms, you see OF ACTIVITY? help your song have clearly defined sections. the word “selah” here and there. Where other Look at this list of note values found within a Where a verse, for example, only featured translations use the word “selah”, The Passion measure of music in 4/4: whole notes, heard only once per measure, translation says, “Pause in his presence.” I a chorus following it could use quarter notes, wonder how often you and I explore the power where activity is heard on each beat. Evaluate of the pause. your playing. If you’re playing a sparse part They range from the whole note, which fills the throughout the song or playing a more active Check out some of the synonyms for “pause” entire bar, to the 16th note, which fills a fourth of part throughout, consider where you might that show up in Word: silence, gap, break, one beat. One of the most common things we build some pauses, or longer note values, into suspension, breather, stop, rest. piano players do is play too much activity, using what you play. too many shorter notes. Challenge yourself to build in some whole notes and half notes. The • YOU CAN’T KNOW WHERE YOU’RE GOING UNTIL piano’s entrance in “What A Beautiful Name”, YOU KNOW WHERE YOU’VE BEEN. for example, features whole notes and half Where are you now? Middle register of notes. Very little activity. instrument? High up on the keyboard? Are you playing loudly? Softly? Have you been playing Compare that to synonyms for “busy”: full, The piano is only heard when chords change. lots of activity on the verse? Where will you go hard, hectic, tiring. If you think perhaps your part’s too busy, make for the upcoming chorus? If you’re playing at an effort to play only when chords change. full volume on a chorus, what can you do to That’s an excellent way to learn restraint as give the next verse some contrast? a player. Give yourself permission to pause and really • ARE YOU A GOOD LISTENER? consider what you’re contributing to your team. Just as it’s awkward when you’re with It’s a great thing for all players and singers to Interesting how some of the words in both someone who dominates conversations, be do too. The result for everyone involved might groups relate directly to musical concepts. a player who notices what other instruments just be a powerful encounter with the One Silence could refer to using long note values. or vocalists are “saying” at all times. Is the who invites us at every moment to “pause in Stop could mean you stop playing lots of melody of the song filled with lots of activity? His presence”. 26 November 2017 WorshipMusician.com