Worship Musician NovDec16 | Page 44

PERCUSSION THE CHURCH TIMPANIST: CHALLENGES & SOLUTIONS “It’s #162 in the hymn book. Go ahead and add some of those spots. (view notation below) some timpani.” • Tune the bottom note of the 29” timpano to E rather than F. This gives you the low Not limited to hymns, the “cadential punctuation “resonant” E to use rather that only the high When timpani parts first appeared in orchestral formula” can also work in situations when there (less resonant) E on the 26” drum. Many scores, the tuning of the drums was slow and is an orchestration, but no specific timpani clumsy with performers using their hands to turn part (or the music director simply gives you a the tension rods that adjusted the heads. The chord chart).   timpani parts go down to the low E. • Substitute another chord tone.  Example: What if the timpani part calls for a D played normal practice was to write for two drums: one beneath the D major chord of the song, but timpano tuned to the tonic degree of the key In addition to cadence points, adding kettles on the pitch change is awkward with the two and the other drum to the dominant. It was a a modulation is a typical orchestration device. drum setup? Try playing the fifth (A) or the “set it and forget it” system that eliminated pitch Just using your ears and musical instincts can changes (while remaining in a key) as the timpani guide you in finding other spots that can benefit often emphasized the V to I authentic cadence from some “pauken punch.” third (F#) if either is more attainable.   • Sneak an “inaccessible” note onto the nodal area. The center of a timpano head and punctuated the dominant harmony of the produces very little resonance or pitch. In a half cadence. As timpani technology progressed, Don’t overdo it. Too much timpani can become rapid passage, some notes can be played in pedal-tuned drums allowed for quicker pitch predictable and tedious. Listen to the other the center to provide the percussive sound changes. Composers took advantage of the instruments and choose to play in spots that without a strong definite pitch. more agile system and wrote parts requiring will enhance rather than clutter. A simple roll is a • Alter the rhythm and/or pitches. Example: A faster pitch changes and MORE kettles good choice when there is a great deal of activity passage consisting of four sixteenth notes in a setup. coming from the rhythm section. (such as F-G-A-Bb) could be reduced to Keep that little dose of history in mind as I offer NOT ENOUGH DRUMS some tips to help you navigate through a couple Churches seldom own (or rent) more than two • Delete a passage. Leaving the timpani out in of the challenges often encountered when timpani, yet composers and arrangers continue a thorny section might be the best decision. playing timpani in a church setting. writing for three to four drums. In dozens of If the outline of the timpani part is being rehearsals I have scribbled a few marks on covered elsewhere (electric bass, tuba, bass NO WRITTEN PART the timpani part and managed to achieve a drum, bassoon, string bass), just allow that If you are asked to “play along” on timpani and satisfactory performance with just the 26” instrumentation to carry the moment. the conductor hands you a hymnbook, some of and 29” kettles. eighth notes (F-A) or pitches doubled to achieve the sixteenth rhythm (F-F-A-A). the best places to add the kettles are at a few Finally, two pieces of advice for every timpanist: well-chosen cadence points. (As noted earlier, Here are some pauken pointers for making do that simple formula has been employed for quite with just two: a while.) Focus on the chords and bass line at • Switch octaves to fit the pitches onto the the end of phrases. The harmony will frequently two drums that are available. Example: If be either a full cadence with the pitches of the the notated pitches are Eb2 - Bb2 (usually bass line moving from the fifth scale degree to the first degree or a half cadence ending on the played on the 32” and 29”), simply flip to Bb2 1 - Eb3 and the pitch set fits on the 29” and dominant. Consider tossing in some timpani in 26” timpani. 44 MUCH easier. Dm« G« C« «« «˙« «˙« 44 «˙« ˆ« ‰ Œ j œ»»» œ»» ß l================ ˙»»» Jœ»»» & l ˙»»» =” » « « l l «« ” ««j «˙«˙» Í l 4 ˙««˙» ˆ«Jœ» ‰ Œ ” ˙«˙» » l 4 »» » » »» ================ =” l? l » ««j l ««˙«æ 44 Ó ««æ Timpani l ˆ« ‰ Œ =” (Rolled) ================ ? « ˙ l l ” « « « l 44 Ó « ‰ Œ ” «« «« «« «« «« l «ˆ« «ˆ« ««« j Timpani (Rhythmic) l================ ? «ˆ ˆ« ˆ« ˆ« ˆ« l ˆ« ˆ« =” Nov  Dec 2016 • Sitting on a stool makes operating the pedals • Tuning Gauges! Get ‘em! Set ‘em! Use ‘em! WorshipMusician.com MARK SHELTON An active freelance musician, Mark’s percussion wo rk can be heard live and on recordings with Gateway Worship. A member of the Texas Commission on the Arts Touring Roster. PercussionForWorship.blogspot.com.