Worship Musician NovDec16 | Page 40

ACOUSTICTREATMENTS BY DOUG DOPPLER LESS AND MORE DYNAMICS & TECHNIQUE Creating and shaping atmosphere is part of what I love most about playing acoustic at church. Dynamics play a huge role in all of this, as do the underlying techniques used to create them. Whether using our fingers, hybrid picking, or just a pick, when we play the notes of a chord one at a time, we are arpeggiating that chord. These three techniques deliver unique textures largely because of the variation in string attack. Mastering how we attack the strings is a big part of what keeps us from being swallowed by the band in the mix. This is also a brilliant way to create subtle shifts in atmosphere to better support vocalists as FINGERPICKING The rest is based on comfort in terms of making they lead the congregation deeper into worship. The first staves in Fig. 3 utilize fingerpicking. I’d the part feel good to my right hand. suggest using your thumb (denoted by a T on As guitarists, we tend to practice one technique the chart) to pluck the Low E, A, and D strings, PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER at a time, which makes sense most of the and your 1 , 2 and 3 fingers on the G, B, and Each of these techniques is pretty straightforward. time. That said, there are times on the platform High E strings. Toggling between palming the pick and hybrid st nd rd where changing dynamics is tied to our ability to picking in real time on the other hand takes a bit smoothly toggle between multiple techniques. HYBRID PICKING This installment of Acoustic Treatment is designed The second set of staves in Fig. 3 use the pick In the video I’ll go over some tips on how to piece to help you do this in a musical way! nd on the Low E, A, and D strings, and your 1 , 2 this together. Once you’ve got this transition and 3rd fingers on the G, B, and High E strings. under your fingertips, I’d suggest looping the first TOGGLING This sound is one of my favorites because you four measures two times quietly. Then without Seamlessly toggling between fingerpicking and get lots of articulation on the bass strings, and the losing time, loop the second four measures a using the pick can take a bit of getting used to. warmth of your fingertips on the treble strings. bit louder, followed by the last four measures of getting used to, as does the shift in dynamics. st As demonstrated in the companion video and a bit louder again. I’d suggest going back to Fig. 1, my preferred method for palming the pick ALTERNATE PICKING the measures five through eight, before hitting involves holding it gently between the first and In looking at Fig. 3 I’m not truly alternating pick measures one throug h four. The end result will be second fingers. I’ve found this to be the most strokes, but I’m not just using down strokes either. toggling between these three techniques, while effective way to toggle between fingerpicking Years ago Joe Satriani taught me to arpeggiate incrementally building and then decreasing the and using the pick in real time, with the least triads by using two down strokes followed by an dynamics. Let’s do it! probability of fumbling the pick. upstroke, which is how I start the picking off here. Fig. 1 40 Fig. 2 Nov  Dec 2016 WorshipMusician.com