Worship Musician NovDec16 | Page 30

New Releases
MATT REDMAN These Christmas Lights
Christmas albums are always a tough thing . To be successful , an artist needs to honor the seasonal favorites that everyone loves , while at the same time being creative enough to keep the album interesting with new songs and clever re-writes . These Christmas Lights , Matt Redman ’ s Christmas album , knocks the ball out of the park in both areas as he does an incredible job of paying homage to the classics while interweaving his own writing and passion throughout , creating a truly unique Christmas album experience .
Sure to be a future staple of worship during the holiday season is “ O Little Town ( The Glory of Christmas ).” Utilizing the words of the hymn “ O Little Town of Bethlehem ” but set to a fresh melody , the anthemic chorus has that “ sticky ” quality that you just can ’ t help but sing along with .
The title cut captures the sentimentality of the season with its seasonal instrumentation that includes bells , violins , and glockenspiel , featuring a chorus that cries out to God to open our eyes to see Jesus our eternal light that was born that night in the stable .
“ How Far ” is a melodious piano ballad that invites us to travel with Joseph and Mary , the Wise Men , and our wandering hearts to meet the Christ child . The cello on this track is warm ,
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inviting and perfectly placed .
“ The Name Of Emmanuel ” is one of the best songs on the album as it explores what the incarnation of Christ means for us , and “ Holy Night ” is another Redman original which begins with what sounds like the angels proclaiming the birth before Matt takes over and musically winds his way through the Christmas story .
If you want a Christmas album full of re-writes and subtle re-wrappings of famous Christmas favorites , this isn ’ t the one for you . Matt
Redman knows the needs of the church and has been writing songs for the Body of Christ to be used in worship for years . These Christmas Lights is an album that meets the Church ’ s need for new , relevant and profound Christmas music . I appreciated the depth of writing and scriptural base that most of the songs in this collection shared , and although a few would be tough to sing by most congregations , this is a great album that will stir your Christmas spirit while helping you understand the magnitude of importance that the birth of Christ means for us today . Well done !
CHRIS TOMLIN Never Lose Sight
Chris Tomlin has often been called “ America ’ s Worship Leader ,” and with good reason . Tomlin is probably the best known Christian artist in the world and has won countless music accolades , including multiple Dove and Grammy awards . His songs are sung around the world and he is one of the primary pioneers of the modern worship genre .
His latest solo project , Never Lose Sight , reminds the chosen people of God to keep their eyes focused on eternity as they live life here on earth , with 14 songs of worship that will change your focus and challenge your faith .
The first radio single , “ Jesus ” follows in the same vein as the worship hit , “ Jesus Messiah ” from a few years ago , but takes the listener deeper by exploring how Christ ’ s power and love is as relevant today as it was when He walked the earth 2000 years ago . “ Impossible Things ” follows and features American Idol finalist , Danny Gokey whose dark vocal tone mixes nicely with Tomlin ’ s shining tenor to create a tight vocal mix .
Tomlin ’ s re-write of the classic hymn “ Come Thou Fount ( I Will Sing )”. It is well done , but a bit obvious , and his version of the overcovered “ Good Good Father ” is honest and straightforward but isn ’ t anything that we haven ’ t heard before .
Where this album shines is on the final two tracks of the deluxe version . “ God and God Alone ” is based on Ephesians 4 and Romans 8 , and is destined to be another Tomlin classic as it declares the reign of Christ on Earth . The best song on the album is the one that wraps it up . “ Kyrie Eleison ” is a gorgeous foray into the power of forgiveness and mercy that only God can give , featuring 3 CCM giants , Matt Maher , Jason Ingram , and Matt Redman . Their voices blend seamlessly , and my only complaint is that this track should have been included with the non-deluxe version . This track alone is worth the price of admission .
This is another classic Tomlin album that will get plenty of radio airplay , and many of
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