Worship Musician NovDec16 | Page 26

PAUL BALOCHE continued from page 23 into that role as a player-coach. Pouring into, raising up, and giving opportunity for them to amp of choice would be a Fender Deluxe, or grow. Maybe sitting back and just playing guitar. maybe a Blues Jr. You know, when we play in This past year at the church where I attend, church we really can’t go over 15-25 watts or more than half of the time I have just played you barely get a chance to take advantage of acoustic guitar while someone else led. I played that tube sound. bass a couple of times. I played electric guitar   one time, because there are some talented [WM] What do you think when you see twenty-somethings. It’s their turn. “Once For All” Video competent older worship leaders being put out to pasture by younger ones? [WM] If you would just offer a prayer for folks in that situation, for those who are transitioning PAUL: Well, there are two sides to that coin. It into being a mentor and for the younger worship depends if the older, competent worship leader leaders just coming up. is willing to humble themselves a little bit and let go of certain stylistic things that used to work PAUL: Lord I pray for those who have been 20 years ago. I would say that we all need to faithful in ministry for many years and perhaps look at our own hearts. Like, since moving to feel like they are being pushed aside. I pray New York, I’ve taken a look at the way I lead for affirmation and confirmation of the work and what I say between songs - reassessing that they have done. I pray for vision and that if there is any religious talk that has lost inspiration to train up the next generation with some of it’s meaning, it may need to change. intentionality. I pray that we would be like the I feel like we have to stay up-to-date and leaders in the Bible from Abraham, Jacob, current. Like musical styles, our ministry-style Moses, David, Elijah, even Jesus – who even needs to be mindful of the culture and aware in His earthly ministry, in a sense – delegated of a new generation. A perfect scenario would and transferred His commission to the next be a player-coach, to use a sports analogy. I wave of leaders and disciples. We thank You think it’s fair for us to be OK with being a player- for the privilege of getting to serve in Your coach. Having the opportunity to lead, but also kingdom and we pray for wisdom to know aware that we have a responsibility to raise up how best to serve in the days ahead. Also, to the next generation. We need to make room for know how we can encourage and raise up the the late-teenagers and the twenty-somethings. next generation of leaders who will continue to They are the future of the church. We need to serve Your kingdom for generations to come. In guard against being insecure about losing our Jesus Name, Amen! YOUR MERCY (2016) CHRISTMAS WORSHIP, VOL2 (2015) LIVE (2014) CHRISTMAS WORSHIP (2013) THE SAME LOVE (2012) position, if you will, and to transition gracefully GLORIOUS (2011) OUR GOD SAVES (2007) A GREATER SONG (2006) 26 Nov  Dec 2016 WorshipMusician.com