Worship Musician NovDec16 | Page 20

N E W LO C AT I O N , NEW RELEASE, Having the opportunity to visit with Paul Baloche was an incredible blessing. I have S A M E VO I C E O F E N C O U R AG E M E N T been learning from Paul for almost 20 years! If you don’t know Paul, I think he is hilarious and so very insightful. Truly, he is a voice that God has used to bless, encourage, and equip the Church. Interview by Mitch Bohannon [WM] With your recent move to New York, time staff member of Harvest Bible Chapel in what has changed in your ministry? Is there a Chicago. So, about once a month, I fly out there new focus that the Lord is leading you to? and lead as part of their team and their staff. I’ve led half of these songs in both locations. PAUL BALOCHE: The idea of diversity comes I’ve led “More Than I Deserve” several times in to mind. After serving for 25 years in the same Chicago. I wrote that with Meredith Andrews of church, same neighborhood, same part of the Vertical Church Band. That song has become country -Those were wonderful years! But, the one of their “standards”, if you will, as well as thing that has surprised and inspired me is “Your Mercy” that I wrote with Andi Rozier, also the tremendous diversity in New York City - a of Vertical Church Band. I think people resonate microcosm of the entire globe! ‘Every nation, with it because it’s a testimony of God’s mercy. tribe, and tongue’ (Revelation 5:90) Literally, We can all relate to the prodigal season of our every nation, tribe, and tongue is represented lives where we kind of ‘lost our way and the road in New York City somewhere. Even on the was dark.’ Where we experience the pain of our new album, there’s a representation of worship wrong choices, you know… but, Your Mercy! pastors from all different kinds of churches That is sort of the big pivot in that song. It’s just and cultural backgrounds that really opened all these things we encounter are because of my eyes to the larger Church - the worldwide our choices, and yet God is merciful. We’ve all church and the various expressions and experienced God’s mercy at some level, so it’s emphases. So, I’m learning. My ears and my an opportunity for us to acknowledge that and heart are open to listening and learning and thank Him for that specifically. observing and allowing that to affect me and my ministry and how I minister. Also, the song “Once For All” appeals to a lot   of folks. That was co-written with Matt Redman [WM] Tell me about the new studio project. I’ve and we probably exchanged 50 emails back had some time to listen to it and it’s fantastic. and forth trying to really nail the lyrics. We really My favorite songs are, “Your Mercy” and “More wanted to re-tell the Gospel, if you will. To tell Than I Deserve.” How is the church responding the Gospel again and again. I think when writing to these songs? songs for the church, we have to continue to ‘sing the Gospel, sing the Gospel, sing the PAUL: I’ve been doing “Your Mercy” at my Gospel’ in every possible way. You know, just local church. I’m not on staff, but my “home” to come at it from a different angle. The primary fellowship has been Trinity Grace Church, hook is found in Hebrews chapter 10, “Once for where David Gungor of The Brilliance is the all, He died.” It’s not our righteousness, it’s His worship pastor. I jump in there and lead when righteousness, His salvation. he asks me to. I also have become a part20 Nov  Dec 2016 WorshipMusician.com