Worship Musician MayJun 2017 | Page 4

MOBILE MARKETPLACE Powered By We’ve partnered with our friends at Sweetwater to make it easy to fi nd out more about the gear you see in each issue of Worship Musician! Simply input the short URL for the gear below into your mobile device for product details! Audio-Technica E Series WMmag.info/ESeries Audix Products WMmag.info/Audix ClearSonic IsoPac A WMmag.info/IsoPacA Fender Blues Jr. WMmag.info/BluesJr GHS Guitar Strings Boomers WMmag.info/GHS Kyser KG3B Short Cut Capo WMmag.info/KG3B PRS Sonzera 20 WMmag.info/Sonzera20 Sennheiser XS Wireless 1 WMmag.info/XSWireless1 PreSonus StudioLive 32 Series III WMmag.info/SL32 Yamaha Acoustic Guitars WMmag.info/YamahaAcoustic 4 Yamaha DT-50S Trigger WMmag.info/DT-50Triggers May  Jun 2017 WorshipMusician.com Yamaha DTX Drums WMmag.info/DTXDrums