think about using your higher register so as not
to overpower any motif that may be played by
guitar or keys. Also, try shaping your notes a
little, leaving space between longer notes - just
a little - and don’t pluck as hard. Save your
lower register, “big” notes for the last chorus
of the song (if you’re playing a 5-string with the
low B, now is the time to use it). If there is a
breakdown section, you may want to consider
using chords to complement that particular
section of the song. You could try tenth intervals
When coming up with a bass part for a song player starts playing lead. Remember that with (major or minor third, depending on the chord)
there is always so much to consider. Let’s more distortion you get less foundation. Yep... or double-stops (root and fifth). There are many
attempt to break this down into no particular the bottom typically goes away a little and you other useful bass chords that can add color to
category and in no particular order. :) All kidding will lose punch. a “down” section of a song.
songs as starting points for examples. Also, If you can find a distortion pedal with a “mix” or Most importantly, listen to everything going
let’s talk about them in the order of a typical “blend” control on it, this will help. It allows you on around you at all times. Be sensitive and
worship set. to split the bass signal into wet (affected) and flexible. Pick your time(s) to shine with the
aside, let’s try slow, medium, and up-tempo
dry (unaffected) sounds, thus allowing you to utmost tastefulness, and you will contribute
UP-TEMPO control the amount of fundamental, untainted the most. Overplay, and you may inhibit the
Usually during Sunday morning worship, the bass sound in your tone. This is very important worship experience for many. God bless you as
worship set begins with an up-tempo, rockin’ to consider for the optimal bass sound for a He blesses the work of your hands!
eighth-note song. Let’s assume that the intro song.
begins with the whole band playing from the
beginning. The first thing most of us have to If you have two or more guitar players in the
decide is whether or not to use a pick. The band you’ll probably want to stay out of their
main thing to consider (for me) is, if there way and pluck with your fingers, concentrating
are guitar players in the band, how many are on the sub-side of the sound spectrum. This is
there? If there is only one he’s probably going a more foundational method of thinking/playing
to need help in the “pronounced-eighth-note” and will suit your band’s lineup better.
department, so have your pick in hand and
possibly dial in a little distortion - but not too MID-TEMPO
much. You will be a big help when the guitar You might want to start dialing back any
edginess that you have dialed into your tone.
Put the pick down (or cut back the top end of
your sound) and go for a mellower tone. Do not
add low end! If you do it can completely change
the soundman’s mix and he will simply turn you
down. If you cut a little top, he might actually
Session player/producer/
writer in Nashville, TN.
Attends Grace Church
in Franklin, TN.
Email him questions,
comments, or for scheduling
at [email protected]
turn you up a bit. It’s funny how that works!
Stay with the same tone as with the mid-tempo
song. Begin to pluck more toward the neck.
Your sound will become slightly bigger, adding
sonic support. Be sensitive to the format of the
song. If you are playing at the beginning at all,
May Jun 2017