Last time, I went over some basics for learning one note on the keyboard and ask them to try to structure that fits with most modern worship.
how to sing harmony. If you are interested sing a half-step up, and then try it from various (When more complicated chords are used,
in becoming a harmony singer, or a better places on the keyboard. Next, I will ask them there could be 3 or even 4, but the number in
harmony singer, I suggest you quickly review to sing a half-step down from various places all certainly not endless).
my first article before reading this one (http:// over the keyboard, until finally I move on to try www.worshipmusician.com/17-0304-vocals/). the same exercise with whole steps. While they Once we can sing a major triad (do-mi-sol)
are doing this, I have them “check their pitch” we are in a position to understand harmony
by using the Roland VT-12 vocal trainer (you structure. The melody will always be ONE of the
can have a look here for an intro- https://www. three notes of the triad (occasionally there are
In keeping with my theme, I want to stress youtube.com/watch?v=jvC11Yt2jWw) which passing tones which are outside of the triad but
listening as one of the most important aspects gives them visual feedback as to how close for the most part this rule works). This leaves
of learning how to sing harmony well, or sing to pitch they really are. This exercise in and of only the two remaining notes for harmony. So,
anything well for that matter! I get the sense itself is helpful for many reasons but, in terms if you can begin to listen for what triad or chord
that so many of our singers today spend less of learning harmony, it’s invaluable. Oftentimes, is playing underneath the melody, you should
time listening than they do just singing. When the difference between us singing a note that be able to start to pick out the various notes
this is your approach toward singing, it is easy works as harmony, versus one that doesn’t, is of the chords that aren’t being used by the
to be “off.” In my “dream world,” members a simple half-step or whole-step, so knowing melody. These are notes that are available to be
of worship teams would spend lots of time how to quickly “fix” our pitch is very helpful. used for harmony. To make this process a little
focusing on proper intonation and blend. This
easier, in my classes, I start by playing various
would mean that they would spend much less If you want to go further with intervals you major and minor chords in different positions
time singing with instruments and much MORE can simply use a major scale with the familiar on the keyboard and have my students try to
time singing acapella and truly listening to one solfege: do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti-do. I recommend identify what type of chord they are. Once they
another. This would also help to build the vocal an exercise where you start with “do-re, do- are able to do this well, then I will play triads
independence necessary to be able to sing mi, do-fa, do-sol…etc” and continue up the with one note missing and have them try to
harmony properly. entire scale. Then you can return back down identify the missing note. This will help them to
the scale the same way: “do-ti, do-la, do-sol, be better able to find the chords and identify
Part of the reason that learning to listen is so do-fa…etc” In this way, each of the intervals of the individual notes of the chords when trying
important today is that we no longer rely on a major scale become familiar. to find a good fit for their harmony.
TRIADS (CHORDS) Next time, I will show you how to “cheat” and
written harmonies. For the most part (unless
you’re in a traditional type choir), when people
refer to singing harmony, what they REALLY
find a harmony line that will always work! Until
mean is being able to MAKE UP harmony... Triads are the basic building blocks of harmony. then, God bless you and keep on singing to
on the spot. So, the skill set is very different A triad is group of three notes and, in most serve Him!
than it was a generation ago. Because of that, worship music, it is likely to be a simple major we need to listen more than ever to be able to or minor triad that is the base of most of the find harmonies that work, make sense, and fit chords we use to accompany our songs of with the group we are in. It’s a tall order, and, worship. Using the solfege above, we would moreover, we are expecting this from people sing “do-mi-sol” to demonstrate a major triad. who most of the time have little or no training. By lowering “mi” (the third of the triad) a half
step, we would create a minor triad. The
interesting thing to note here is that many
people are often daunted by attempting to
When I teach my harmony classes, I often begin find the right harmony by mistakenly thinking
by challenging my students to perfect singing that potentially any note within singing range
half-steps and whole-steps. These are the is a candidate for harmony. It simply isn’t true.
building blocks of singing. They are the smallest There are TWO, only two notes that can be
intervals we sing in our Western scale. I start with used at any given time to create a harmony
May Jun 2017
Internationally acclaimed
vocal coach with a degree
from U of Illinois. Coaching
since ‘79 and leading wor-
ship since ‘85.