music - sings prayers to God, praises of God
do so are limited.
that do that for me.
and declarations of truth about God - is more 3. We believe that, as we worship God through But merely listening is not the habitat for which
important than the self-expression of the songs, we can become more aware of God’s “Worship music" is intended. More than that:
singers and instrumentalists on the platform. presence and experience Him in ways that The music that we commonly call “Worship
Those of us who lead from the platform often seem unavailable - or at least less common music” has an altogether different - I would
need to forgo our own individual desires - if we don't. We find that music has a say - higher calling than other music. For Adam
to express ourselves musically to better particular way of softening hearts, opening Neely - or anyone else for that matter - to fully
facilitate the congregation’s “voice”. Unlike spiritual ears and eyes to who God is and appreciate the worship of God through songs,
the music in Adam Neely’s world, we must what He’s saying and doing. It’s as if the he’d need to be in that room, surrounded
always be sure that what we sing or play membrane that separates humanity and by the voices of the faithful and led from the
does not turn our worshipping congregation divinity - earth and heaven - becomes that platform by a team who know that this is not
into an enthralled audience. much thinner as, with one voice, we sing and their chance to shine, but who instead have
make music to God with a heart-posture of shouldered the responsibility of using their
adoration. musical abilities to lead us - the congregation
2. Our leading “Worship music” artists have
an enormously, weighty responsibility. They
are influencing the live music that will be
- to recognize the glory of Almighty God as we
played and sung by thousands of church So, I am not surprised that - to an accomplished, congregations around the world. The songs pro jazz musician like Adam Neely who does they present to us must be simple enough not yet proclaim Jesus as Lord - our “Worship And so it must be said that I am very thankful
to be within the musical capacity of amateur, music” does not stack up as a great listening to Adam Neely for giving me cause to deeply
volunteer teams of musicians in local experience. But maybe that’s part of the consider “Worship music”, why it is the way
churches - singers and instrumentalists who problem. Adam was just listening! it is and why it’s so important to me and The
are often on the lower end of the musical
lift our voices and surrender our lives to Him.
Church. I hope and pray that one day Adam
ability ledger. Moving into more complex or To be totally honest, if I am wanting a great can taste this higher calling that is possible
challenging realms of music can easily defeat music listening experience, I personally don’t through music.
a primary objective of the songs - namely to reach for what we call “Worship music” either. If give the churches new songs they can play I want that music-listening itch scratched, there and sing together, even if their resources to are other artists, genres, sounds and songs
Grant Norsworthy
founder of providing
training for worshipping musicians.