Many of us, as of late, have found ourselves Teach them nursery songs as soon as possible.
in the unusual circumstance of becoming our Help them to match pitch with you. If you make
child’s schoolteacher. I was a homeschooling a concerted effort to do so, you will be greatly
mom, by choice, for over 30 years and I will be rewarded with the joy of hearing your child sing
the first to agree that this “crisis” schooling at in tune. Children can easily be taught to match
home is much different than the choice a family pitch and sing simple songs by the age of 2
makes to teach their children at home. But, as years old.
I’m sure you’ve found, being home with your
kids presents lots of opportunities (good and SECOND: MAKE SURE YOU EXPOSE THEM TO
bad!). I would like to share with you some idea CHILDREN’S VOICES SINGING.
about teaching your kids to sing. Children need to learn to sing with their own
voice and not try to emulate the voices of
Often, in this ambitious culture of ours, we adults. This is a mistake many parents make.
as parents can easily wonder if we are doing Often parents find it adorable when their child
all we can for our children. Are we providing starts to belt out a popular tune. There is an
the right opportunities for them? How much element of cute to it, yes, but in the long run it
extra-curricular is too much? How many of should not be where their focus is. They need
their desires are reasonable to follow through to allow their voices to develop properly as
with? Although these are questions that you as children. Trying to develop a vibrato at age 3 will
parents have to ultimately decide, I’d like to give
you some guidelines with regard to training your
kids to sing that may help you in the long run…
even after this crazy coronavirus is old history.
There is no doubt that historically children
were educated in many different aspects of
music from learning how to play instruments,
to a thorough knowledge of music history and
theory as well as singing. It was considered
a very important and valuable part of a good
education. The importance placed on music
education has waned over the past 50 years
and I think it’s a loss. For individual families
however, the choice still remains whether or
not to keep music a vibrant part of education.
I highly recommend it. Aside from the purely
aesthetic value there are numerous studies
that show how music helps to develop the
brain and learning the discipline of mastering
an instrument is an excellent way to build
ultimately ruin a child’s voice or at a minimum
Because I was trained in music, I felt confident
to oversee my children’s musical education.
I’ll admit that much of what I was able to do
with my kids came as a result of my training
and expertise, but there is much to be gleaned
from my experience for those of you who want
to give your kids a good start (or even a head
start) down a musical path. There are many
things that I did with my children that you can
cause lots of unnecessary re-training if they
want to have a healthy normal voice later on.
Parents often, wanting to give their child every
advantage, think that earlier is better for training.
Yes and no. The important things that a child
needs to learn by age 6 are how to match pitch,
sing without strain, deliver words meaningfully
and begin to show some vocal independence
(preparation for singing harmony). These are
easily do without a formal education in music. all things that can be developed at home with
FIRST: SING TO YOUR KIDS! make singing a lifestyle. Next month I’ll discuss
I know it may sound simplistic, but the absolute
best thing you can do to help develop your
child’s ear is to sing to them regularly and
parents who are willing to put in some time and
“How Much is Enough” when it comes to
getting your child involved in singing outside the
home… once you can get outside the home!
often. Singing will lift your mood as well, and in
these trying times you need to remind yourself
of God’s promises and there is no better way
than to memorize scripture songs and sing
them to your babies/children. As you sing to
your children from infancy, they will learn that
pitch changes. They will start to automatically
emulate you. It’s amazing to see (and hear!)
May 2020
Sheri Gould
Sheri is an internationally acclaimed vocal coach.
She’s been helping artists and worshipers find their
voice for over 40 years. For help and resources visit
her site.
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