We are currently experiencing a moment in our
world that is unlike any we have ever seen. Our
entire world is shutdown. Many of us continue
to learn how to adapt, sacrifice and flex to get
through this as we all patiently or impatiently
await it’s passing! And indeed, it will pass.
When, who knows? My prayer is that we are
all stronger, wiser and more appreciative when
it does. I’ve been thinking a lot about this
“Prepare your work outside and make it ready
for yourself in the field; afterwards, then, build
your house.” - Proverbs 24:27
Therefore, as a worship leader and team builder, have fun and do some online group trivia. tone or mastering their amp sounds. I have
what can I do now to ensure that my worship Whatever the situation, remind people they are found that people are more willing than ever to
team will be stronger when the time comes that still a part of a team. If you really want to up your improve on their crafts.
we hit the ground running again at full speed? game, schedule some one-on-one coaching Can I use this time, now, to pour into my team calls with your musicians. Have a vocal master 5. INVEST IN YOURSELF
while we are all social distancing? I have. A lot class, a bass master class or anything you Don’t forget to take this time to invest in
of ideas and I would like to share them with need. Better yet, invite some outside pros to yourself. Rest. Something many ministry folks
you. If you are like me, you have been thinking the call. They are probably available, and it will don’t get a chance to do often. Identify the
the same thing. So, here are some thoughts show value to your team. It will also be a lot areas of weakness that you want to improve on
that I am currently experimenting with, that are of fun. and take some online classes. Maye you want
starting to show some positive results already.
to work on public speaking. Maybe you want
Would you join me in this way of thinking? This 3. PLAN AHEAD, WAY AHEAD to become a better musician. Whatever it is,
could be an opportunity to expand our minds Start using your time to update your song the resources are out there! Don’t let things go
and our teams all at the same time. Let’s dive library. I am assuming by July we will be back back to the old normal. Become a new person.
in together! in the saddle or at the latest Fall. In that case, And when this all passes, we will all be better
I want to have a plan for what songs we will versions of ourselves!
1. CHECK-IN ON YOUR PEOPLE be doing, and I am even starting to think about Don’t let social distancing be an excuse for planning Christmas! We finally now have the This is once in a generation opportunity for us
dropping off the planet. Now more than ever bandwidth to dream a little and think ahead. and for the church as a whole. I believe that
we need to stay in touch with our folks. Like Let’s use this time wisely. if we consider some or all of things, that our
you, they are dying for community. Text, email
teams will be stronger, healthier and more
or call your team members just to see how 4. RESOURCE YOUR TEAMS equipped to do ministry once we are all back
everyone is doing. Let them know you are still This is a great time to send your team resource together again in the same buildings and on the
thinking about them. and coaching links. Most of us are home a lot same stages! Let’s get after it!
more and online a lot more. Time to challenge
2. BUILD COMMUNITY and push your musicians. Give them goals to
Take this chance to do some team stuff. Maybe work towards. Send your vocalists videos of
a group Zoom call about new songs you should worship leaders doing an amazing job with
add. Or perhaps schedule some online time to stage presence and song delivery. Send your
discuss music stuff or ministry needs. Or simply guitar players online lessons for improving
May 2020
Be blessed,
Brian Michael Fuller
Brian is a composer, multi-instrumentalist and
worship musician who currently serves as the
worship leader at several churches in North Carolina.
You can hear some of his original production music
at www.fullertime.com.
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