By Alexander MacDougall
Jonsal Barrientes, Tiffany Hammer, Chris Brown, Davide Mutendji, Anna Sailors Pinkham, Jenna Barrientes
The name Chris Brown has been associated with that comment, and what the chief components parents were in full time music ministry, so I was
Elevation Worship almost since its inception. of this change in your life were? What was the always around music and had a love for it from
Both as a worship leader and songwriter, music that you were listening to back then? the time I was a kid. I started writing songs in
Chris has been contributing significantly to the
modern church for over a decade now. Leading
high school and got more serious about music.
[Chris Brown] I grew up in church and my
Simultaneously, my passion for the Lord was
worship for the new Elevation Worship single, increasing and my desire to serve the Church
“My Testimony”, the anthem is contained within with my music was clearer. And so, when I was
the collection of new songs entitled, Graves about seventeen, I felt pretty certain what God
into Gardens, recently released. was calling me into, although I really didn’t have
a good picture of what it would look like. I was
[WM] I’ve read that music and ministry listening to a lot of punk music at that age, and
“merged” for you when you were seventeen a good bit of pop as well. I’ve always been
years old. Please explain what you mean by
My Testimony
May 2020
attracted to easy, bubble gum melodies.
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