Worship Musician May 2019 | Page 8

was in a voice memo. We just worked through that I go through that help give me pointed is you just really have to work at building those ideas and it eventually landed where it is now. A direction in some of the things that I’m studying relationships and building that community. It’s lot of phone calls. in scripture. A lot of times when I’m going not going to come naturally, it’s something that through that there are things that will just stick you have to be intentional about seeking out. Both ways have their pros and cons, but it’s so out to me and I’ll be like, “Oh, that’s actually a special to be in the same room together and song that I think we should sing”. I think that there has been a shift in the last few get to sing the song out loud, together. You also years where there are a lot of great churches have the situation where you’re doing it via text [WM] Have you ever enjoyed being involved that are building great creative communities. At or voice memo. The thing that I do like about in a healthy, creative community? Do you find least in the churches that I’ve been around. I’ve that is it gives you a little bit more time to digest it common or rare for songwriters and worship experienced a lot of great stuff coming out of it by yourself. I can spend time with the song musicians to find such an outlet? the local church, whether it’s songs, or projects, and really live with it alone before I contribute an idea. or videos. I feel like we are in a season where so [Mack] I’m definitely in a season now where much good stuff is coming out of the church. I feel like I’ve got a lot of people in my circle [WM] What sources do you consistently find that are super creative and talented and great [WM] Do you have any advice for aspiring inspiration from that seem to generate your songwriters, and great encouragers and friends. songwriters in terms of generating inspiration prolific songwriting output? It’s a little bit funny because most of them are for song ideas and developing those songs? in Nashville, or California, and Atlanta, so I’m [Mack] From musical sources there are a lot, not with them all the time. But every time I do [Mack] The biggest advice is to be close to there is so much great worship music whether get with them, or we schedule a trip and just Jesus, He’s the ultimate source. Spend time it’s stuff that’s coming out of Hillsong, or Jesus find the time to get away for a week and write, with Scripture and spend time learning about Culture, Bethel, or Elevation. From a lyrical it’s just always so life giving and encouraging. His character and who He is. Then from another standpoint there’s a lot of devotions and stuff I think it can be hard, but I think the hard part tangible aspect, surround yourself with good, 8 May 2019 Subscribe for Free...