Second, is that my process of talking in public is
very weird and funny. I think a big piece of this is
I was the first gear manufacturer to consistently
go to Chicago Music Exchange and do these
experimental gear demos. There was Andy at
Pro Guitar shop, Reverb didn’t exist, and there
was a guy named Chris Hershman who’s a
good friend, he’s a youngish guy, and he was
like, “Hey, let’s try this thing where the actual
person who makes the thing does the gear
I did tons of those and learned to talk to a
camera because of Chris Hershman. I didn’t get
great at it, but I developed that through trial and
error. The YouTube channel comes after that
and also after me doing a lot of public talking,
almost like Ted Talk things, doing Sweetwater,
doing clinics. Even stuff like taking a record
Josh Scott and Daniel Carlson
player onto a stage, playing a song, having the
time, pushing away and filtering signal, things digital signal processing. I think that’s the main gear behind me and teaching people what’s
like that. stuff. going on with a live band like I do. I’m going
Diodes are important. A diode is a directional [WM] When I think of ‘gear epicenters’, as an off the record thing with the customers.
component that tells your signal to go one way, Missouri is not the first state that comes to Then another huge piece of why I’m adapting
it’s pushing it one way. We use diodes to clip off mind. Why there? to it is I hate demoing gear. I hate demoing JHS
to do more of those. Having these interactions
signal, so if you picture yourself driving down
pedals. It’s like the worst job in the world to me
a road, and you could turn down the paved [Josh] That story is easy. My best friend lived to make the product and demo it. I just wanted
road onto a dirt road on the right, you don’t in Kansas City. I moved out because I could people to see the history of pedals, know that I
do it because it’s a dirt road. That’s how we trust him, and I stayed here. That was ten or love pedals, and it really helped me get through
use diodes in distortion pedals, we signal it to eleven years ago almost, I didn’t have three some burn out. I don’t feel the need to demo
go down that dirt road and get messy, while kids and school, it was easy then, it was that my pedals, there are so many people doing it. I
your signal keeps going straight. Diodes are simple. think I get really excited when I get to talk about
important, they help create distortion, and
history, I’ve always been a history nut. Some of
they degrade your signal because that’s what [WM] You seem to be a pretty introverted my earliest memories as a kid are of me sitting
everybody wants in Rock ‘n Roll. person, so is it weird becoming a YouTuber, with my Dad watching Ken Burns’ The Civil
or do you see it is a way of documenting the War like ten times in a row, stuff like that. I like
There are things like bucket-brigade device conversation that is already going on in your history. So, I think I’ve found this weird bubble
chips, some of them can look like an op-amp head? to live in which is all the guitar stuff I love. I don’t
with legs, or kind of similar, but a bucket-
have to talk about JHS, but people know who I
brigade is literally thousands of little buckets, [Josh] It is funny. My wife is an extroverted am, so I get to talk about all the other stuff. I get
a brigade of buckets, and that’s what we use extrovert. She’s a theater major… she writes to talk about all the gear, and all my friends and
to create delay. They’ll literally store sound and plays, she produces plays, she’s an actress what they’re doing, and the history. I think that
repeat it. You make chorus pedals, flanger and she’s been in television commercials. I’m not an extrovert but I do get extroverted
pedals, and delay pedals with those. I married her fifteen years ago and I barely when I do that. I think that’s what happens, I
talked. I played guitar, I’d sit around in dim don’t know. (laughs)
Then there’s the digital world, which I don’t rooms reading books, and she really rubbed off
dabble in much, but you do all of that with DSP, on me, so huge credit to her first!
May 2019
[WM] As you finetune a new circuit or mod
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