By Doug Doppler
If you do an image search on Google ‘worship [Josh Scott] I got into this eleven years ago or and an old Blues Breaker, and it just kind
pedalboard’, it’s easy to see the impact that because I had a broken Boss pedal. I fixed of kept spiraling. About a year later I was six
JHS Pedals has had. From the Morning Glory that pedal and took myself down a rabbit hole months behind on orders and I’d quit my job
to modded POGs, the success of Josh Scott’s that included teaching myself how to read and went for it.
handy work is undeniable. Add prolific YouTuber schematics, what the basic parts were, and to the list of Josh’s accolades and you’ve got started learning from things like old Fuzz Faces, The goal has always been to make pedals
the makings of a great interview! Tube Screamers and Rats. Then I started do what I wish they were doing, and I know it
modding some Boss pedals with unique mods sounds elementary, but I’m constantly saying, “I
[WM] Josh, in addition to a huge product line and selling them locally just for some side cash, love every pedal!” I like most everything, but I’m
that includes mods, stomp boxes, and 500 never intending it to become anything. But one always thinking, if it only had this characteristic,
series rack units, JHS Pedals has built an artist thing led to another. There was a local store or if it only worked better with this guitar the
roster that any manufacturer would die for. Can that kept selling them – I’d take them in and way that I play. That’s been what leads me
you walk us through the past, present and they’d sell them the same day. I started making through it. It’s a constant of how can I play off
future vision for JHS? some of my own versions of things, like a Rat of something classic, and how can I make that
May 2019
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