As I write this I’m thinking of the fact that you
creating chord charts for those arrangements.
and I have likely just been part of a worship
a chord chart for this unique roadmap for the
song, but PCO sure makes it easy with the
team for Easter services. It’s also likely that Lots of us probably use Planning Center ChordPro window. You can duplicate your
many of us did some of the same songs. Online (PCO) for scheduling our volunteers and existing arrangement so that you have all your
Anybody reading this have a tradition of singing organizing the elements in our services. For the chords and lyrics ready to manipulate. Then
the hymn “Christ The Lord is Risen Today” on last three issues here, I’ve focused on a feature you click the “Lyrics and Chords” tab in the
Easter? We do at my church. We even invite of PCO that has proven to be one of my best PCO arrangement window. (#2) That gives
people to bring bells to ring on the first and productivity helps, ChordPro. Check out my you space to cut and paste and rearrange
fourth verses. Whoo-hoo, right? earlier articles for more background. I thought and reorder the song’s sections however you
I’d focus on one of the things ChordPro makes choose.
Lots of us probably used Phil Wickham’s so doable, and encourage you to stretch
powerful ballad “Living Hope”. Maybe some yourselves a little.
My title for this article poses an important
of us sang Matt Maher’s “Christ Is Risen”.
question for you and I to consider. Do you ever
Whatever our songlist, I’m certain that some Stretch yourselves? Don’t worry. Not gonna get sing a popular song such as “What A Beautiful
thought was given to arrangements and too personal, just going to challenge you with Name” and realize halfway through the second
somebody on your team spent some time the fact that our songs can be presented in verse that you’re kind of mentally checked out,
many ways other than the way used on popular not necessarily stirred by what you’re singing or
recordings of the songs. Check out this screen playing? Oops. Have I overshared? I’m willing
shot (#1) of the various arrangements we have to admit that sometimes it is a challenge to stay
in PCO at my church for “What A Beautiful engaged with songs that are super-familiar.
Could it be that other folks on your worship
You no doubt know that this powerful song has team might have had a similar experience with
three different chorus lyrics. One says, “What a familiar song? Could it be that sometimes
a beautiful name…”. Another says, “What a a congregation can be over-familiar with a
wonderful name…”. Still another says, “What a frequently heard song? I’m willing to open this
powerful name…”. can of worms, so to speak, and challenge you
with the option of getting creative with your
We found that in planning our Easter service arrangement of such a song. Here’s where
we wanted to present a slightly shorter version ChordPro can be a fantastic sketch pad for
of the song, so we opted for singing “What a your arranging efforts.
beautiful name…” for each chorus that we
presented. I’m not sure how you might create
Create a duplicate of an existing arrangement.
May 2019
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