Your ministry leader has delegated authority to A WORSHIPING HEART 2. STUDY YOUR SONGS.
you to be a lead worshiper. Your role isn’t just We need a worshiping heart. A worshiping heart Look at the lyrical content. What are the
singing or playing, it’s also visual leadership. is a multiplier for each of those other elements. appropriate physical expressions that match
Embrace that role and learn to step into it with It’s the “love" factor from 1 Corinthians 13: the truth of the song and your response to it?
confidence. without love (or a worshiping heart), we’re just
noisy gongs and clanging cymbals.
And notice the flow. What movements can you
take to match the music and mood in each
Even the most outwardly expressive people And a worshiping heart doesn’t just love God. still need this: intentional platform practice over Vertically-expressed love for God will always time. result in horizontally-expressed love for the 3. WORSHIP IN PRIVATE.
congregation you’re leading. You’ll be a better Once you know your songs, use those to have
lead worshiper. a personal worship time. But before you have
You need to clock some real hours practicing
biblical expressions of worship and physical
those songs ready… play or sing the songs
platform movements. That’s the only way for Why? Because your platform worship will never of your heart—the ones you know intimately.
some of these movements to feel natural. exceed your private worship. Worship with those songs and physically move
and express as you do it. It might not seem
Bonus Tip: You can double your experience if So, what can you do to level-up your platform natural at first. But I don’t think God minds that
you practice your physical expressions during presence this week? Let me give you three we practice our worship.
rehearsals and sound checks. It’s legal in your action steps:
state. I checked.
Remember, our platform worship will never
1. INTERNALIZE THE MUSIC. exceed our private worship. So I encourage
If you just had these three elements— Memorized is best. But a significant step you to take steps this week as a private
preparation, confidence, and experience—you towards that is practicing them enough that just worshiper—heart, soul, mind, and body.
could look great and offer visual leadership. an occasional glance is all that’s required. That But that’s not enough. way, your stand can go low and off to the side.
May 2019
Jon Nicol
Jon’s the founder of and, two sites that help
worship leaders build strong teams and lead
engaging worship. He lives and serves in Lexington,
Ohio with his wife Shannon and their four kids.
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