It’s easy to find lessons of all kinds today that “safer” and less intimidating, allowing you to environment. However, the average person
are offered online via Skype, Facetime, Zoom, open-up and sing more freely. typically doesn’t have access to either.
platforms. How effective are these lessons and GREAT FOR SUPPLEMENTING NO PHYSICAL TOUCH
might they be a good fit for you? I’m going to If you can’t meet with your local vocal coach Singing is clearly very physical, and many of the
try and cover some pros and cons that will help in person, but can’t afford to miss the lesson, techniques involved require physical attention.
you decide if virtual voice lessons are a good virtual connections can be used to fill in or This is part of what your vocal teacher is
fit for you. supplement your existing lessons. assessing. Some of these things simply cannot
Google Hangouts, or other video conferencing
be done virtually as physical connection is
First the pros:
Probably the most obvious positive about virtual
lessons is that they can be scheduled any time
that works for both you and your teacher. You
It allows you to
take advantage
won’t have to fight traffic, find a parking spot,
make sure everyone in the house is taken care
of or even get out of your pajamas! That is a
huge plus, especially for people with limited
time availability. It’s easier for everyone. Also,
There are many aspects of a person’s voice,
or tone, that are subtle in nature. When I am
working with a student, the difference between
of professionals
regardless of
when necessary, rescheduling is much simpler.
what they are doing versus what they should
be doing is often quite subtle. Microphones
are amazing, but due to potential distortion,
many of these nuances are lost. Oftentimes,
the student can’t decipher the differences I’m
where you live.
Don’t live near a good vocal coach? No
trying to demonstrate with only my own voice
as an example. The same applies when they
attempt to demonstrate a new technique for
problem. Now you can have a lesson virtually
me. It’s difficult to determine whether or not
anywhere in the country (the world actually!). Now the cons: they’ve ‘got it’ simply because of the limitations
This is especially helpful in rural areas where TECHNICAL ISSUES of the system.
options are very limited. This also makes it Even with the best of planning, things can go possible for the quality of your training to wrong. Internet or cell phone reception can be Honestly, for me as a teacher, the cons
drastically improve. It allows you to take unreliable and problematic. When you’ve both heavily outweigh the pros. Because of this,
advantage of professionals regardless of where set aside the time, to get derailed by technical I have personally chosen not to offer virtual
you live. difficulties is extremely frustrating. voice lessons. I may change my mind on this
MORE COST EFFECTIVE There are other technical issues as well. only for those students whose voice I already
Even if the lessons themselves are not cheaper, Typically, our work requires that I play the piano know and have worked with in person. That
the associated costs are. No babysitter, no while my student sings. Unfortunately, devices way we have a knowledge and understanding
commuting costs, parking costs, etc. In such as phones/computers are designed to of one another already. If you choose to go the
addition, time. Instead of investing two hours support only one microphone input at a time, virtual route, I encourage you to be mindful of
to make a 1 hour lesson happen, virtual rendering this task impossible. I can listen to the pros and cons to ensure you receive the
appointments are much more efficient! them or they can listen to me: not both at the most out of your lessons.
someday, but for now I reserve virtual lessons
same time.
God bless you as you sing for Him!
New to voice lessons? Been away for a while? Lastly, even when technology works as it
It can be uncomfortable singing in front of should, vocal tone is likely to become distorted.
someone, no less for the first time! Virtual This could be solved with the use of a high-
lessons can provide an environment that feels quality vocal microphone and a studio type
May 2019
Sheri Gould
Sheri is an internationally acclaimed vocal coach.
She’s been helping artists and worshipers find their
voice for over 40 years. For help and resources visit
her site.
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