Through the services and programming of BE PREPARED. ASK KIDS QUESTIONS THAT DEMAND A RESPONSE.
your church, I encourage you to help kids It’s not enough to try to learn the kid’s songs This is one of the easiest things you can do to
and families understand worship is one of the in the car on your way to church. Be prepared. engage your group because you are asking
things, very much like prayer, that we can do Spend time learning and studying the songs. them to respond verbally or with an action. This
wherever we are to spend time with God. It’s Let them sink in. Ultimately you want to know can range from giving high fives at the end of
a fortress for when the storms of life and seas them like the back of your hand. Go ahead and the song or repeating a phrase to each other.
rage all around us. Let’s help kids from an early plan out what you want to say to lead these It can be a shout to create excitement or even
age understand this discipline of their walk with songs too. What will you say before the song lyrics from the song you’re about to sing. Don’t
Christ. Imagine what this world would look like starts? How will you transition from one song just state what you’re going to do. Ask kids
if the generations we are raising up learned how to another? Think it through. Depending on questions to get them engaged in what you’re
to run to God in whatever they face rather than your experience level you may even want to doing from the beginning, even before the song
run from God. write it out to help you collect your thoughts. begins.
When we do our part, it allows God to do His
As you invest in the lives of children, here are part to move and speak into the lives of the LEAD KIDS WORSHIP LIKE DAVID.
a few tips I’ve learned to help navigate great precious boys and girls that we get the privilege When we look at worship in the Bible, David is
worship times with kids: of leading to His throne. one of our main examples. As we read Psalms,
May 2019
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