• Creates Stereo Lead Vocal Doubles
• Believable Natural Sounding
• 2 Separate Plug-ins:
Thicken and Widen
• Humanize’s Timing and
Pitch of Doubles
• Can Be Used as Track Insert or Aux
Sonnox is one of the industries leading plug-
in manufacturers, based in the UK, and much
respected their studio and mastering plugins.
VoxDoubler is the first in a new series called
ToolBox of plug-ins. These are creative plug-
ins, simple, useful and affordably priced.
VoxDoubler is actually two plug-ins. Widen
Generates two new mono voices and pans
them to the left and right of the original vocal.
Thicken is the second plug-in tool that comes
in the pack and creates a stereo or mono
voice depending on the track, with the ability
to spread it stereo via the Spread knob. These
Plug-ins are perfect for making a doubled lead plugin creates two mono doubles, and with a second track. I placed Widen on one and
vocal which can take a lot of comping time with these, you can decide how much to add and Thicken on the other for testing. Widen created
multiple takes in the studio. how wide you want the tracks. There is an AUX two mono doubles that can be “Humanized”
mode locking it at 100%, for using the plug-ins by changing and increasing the Timing, Pitch,
on an aux track and routing the original to it. Depth and Tone variations. Depth combines
Below are four smaller knobs in the Humanize a fixed delay and low-pass filter to push the
VoxDoubler comes as a download from the section: Timing, Pitch, Depth, and Tone. There’s doubles back in the mix - giving the impression
Sonnox site. It supports most DAW’s using also a small “i” button to instantly access the of distance between original and doubled voice.
AAX, AU, VST, or VST3. You’ll need an iLok manual. Thicken is identical to Widen except account and authorize via iLok key or authorize that it creates a single Stereo track and the Tone allows you to keep your original brighter or
to your hard drive on two machines. Once Width knob now becomes Stereo Spread. On darker so as not to compete with the original.
installed, both plug-ins are almost identical. The a mono track, Thicken creates a mono double The doubles sounded great. I dialed in the
GUIs are sizeable, so you can see what’s going and Spread is disabled. Timing and Pitch knobs to taste and got very
on when they are open even on a small laptop.
believable doubles. I also adjusted the Tone
The controls are super simple by design. IN USE:
Widen has two main knobs Mix and Width. The I first took a mono lead vocal and copied it to
knob a bit and turned up the Depth knob a
smidge. Then I bounced the doubles, added a
May 2019
little EQ and compression, and the result was
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