I love it on Kick, Bass, Pads and vocal reverb
returns. REVerence has returned with some
nice new vintage algorithms with a total of 70
impulse responses. There are so many great
plug-ins included you can pretty much do
anything you can imagine. It’s impressive.
For mixing now there’s Mix Console Snapshots
that let you quickly reference earlier mixes
and grab stuff you liked from them for your
current mix. Cubase is one of the best mixing
platforms around.
incorporating professional virtual reality audio
production tools into the DAW.
If you’re a Cubase user you will love this
upgrade. There are all kinds of upgrade paths.
If you are new to Cubase, I think you will find
help you write great chord progressions on the and editing vocals are very intuitive. It’s simple
fly. It’s an amazing tool especially for someone to generate nice harmonies with a couple clicks.
who writes or produces and might not have a If you choose to stack BGV vocals, you can use
formal music education. With this technology, the new Audio Alignment tool to tighten up all
there’s almost nothing that can hold you back. the parts. It’s pretty impressive. To purchase an
Writing workflow becomes so fast and there are external editing program that works this well
plenty of intelligent musical possibilities. might cost as much as Cubase 10.
Cubase 10 EFX Plug-ins can drag and drop There are some cool plug-in additions and
in Icon view onto any track or right onto any updates including the GUIs. One of my favorite
specific slot where you want it. I love the new plug-ins is the Distroyer that incorporates
VariAudio 3. Editing is faster with the new Smart asymmetric distortion. It can add analog
Controls, and it is professional quality. Tuning sounding warmth to a track or extreme crunch.
it is one of the best all-in-one DAWS on the
market. There are plenty of synths, drum loops
and grooves to make fantastic music. Cubase
10 has been designed with the professional
recording studio in mind. The audio engine is
as good as it gets. All the new features open
a world of possibilities for young musicians as
well. Chord Assist is really a great tool so that
almost anyone can make really cool music. If
you are looking to record and write Cubase 10
has it all.
Cubase 10 PRO - $552.00 Street Price
Michael Hodge
Record Producer, Writer, Studio musician,
Staff Guitarist at Lakewood Church Houston TX.
Owner of Gman Productions film music
May 2019
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